Assignment #4

Image result for blood flow restriction therapy

Assignment four will be looking into Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training or as it is commonly referred to as "tourniquet training." This new technique was first used in the military but is slowly branching out into physical therapy as a method to heal tissues faster. Please watch the video and read the article available through the provided link. I am very interested to see what the class thinks of this new therapy and any concerns or questions you have about it. Please indicate how you feel about this therapy being used outside of the military and its place in physical therapy and possibly athletics. 

This assignment is due Monday, February 26, 2018, by 11:59P. 


  1. The idea that blood flow restriction, or better known as BRF training, has presented is a unique one because it is a different way of almost tricking the body by not allowing as much blood flow while exercising. Seeing a tourniquet being used is frightening because they are used to completely constrict blood flow and stop bleeding in traumatic accidents or injuries. I do think if used correctly, it can be a great way to have serious injuries help to be rehabilitated. Using this could be a revolutionary technique used not only for service members, but also the general public that are in the same risk as well. This of course has to continue to be researched and proven that it does in fact have biologic benefits to the healing process occurring. If proven, it will be able to decrease the rehabilitation period of a joint, soft tissues, and other injuries relatively quickly compared to the normal healing process. Even though this is an exciting possibility, I do not think it should intermingle with professional athletics. This is still a very new technique and may not be the best in overall healing and strength. I think that because of its current audience being service members that are in risk of losing a limb, it is slightly overkill for an ACL injury in my opinion. I think if approved, it should be focused on injuries that are more threatening to the sake of keeping the limb rather than decreasing wait time for an athlete so they can be back playing sooner.

  2. Blood flow restriction training is a way of training that can trick the body by not allowing blood to flow as easily when people are strength training. This allows patients to train at low loads allowing people who have little strength in their limbs due to an injury to gain power. The idea of using a tourniquet may be taboo in most settings but this developed in the military field. Doctors were using it treat patients who have damaged or missing limbs to gain strength back. Now that this treatment has become known to the public, doctors are studying it in controlled studies that allows this to be safe and effective. I do see this becoming a problem if doctors prove that this can effectively help people. I believe many people that read the studies will think they can do it by themselves and put them at tremendous risk for bodily harm. The only way this treatment should be used is in a controlled setting supervised by a train professional. This method of treatment is young and unproven so I do not see it becoming a part of sports therapy. There are many safer and effective ways of training that I believe athletes should stick to and not try to risk an injury for a new and unproven method. Overall, this new method of using a tourniquet to restrict blood flow while strength training has been used on people who are missing or have damaged limbs. This method should be closely studied over a period of time to ensure its safety before we begin to accept this treatment and use it in sports.

  3. Blood flow restriction training, or BRF, is a technique where a cuff is applied to the injured limb to restrict blood flow while a patient does strength training. This training is performed at very low resistance. This technique is a great tool to use in physical therapy and athletics because patients are able to gain so much strength back while using low resistance. Athletes recovering from surgery can greatly benefit as they need to start out their rehab with low resistance. The early phases of rehabilitation require low resistance weight lifting and training, so patients using BRF can avoid the stress of high resistance training while still gaining significant strength. Patients were seeing 50-80 percent strength gain in as little as a few weeks. This type of training could provide opportunities for injured athletes to return to play sooner because of the significant strength gains. This training should be done in a controlled and supervised environment, and there is still a lot of various research being done to find any potential risks with BRF before fully bringing BRF in the sports medicine world. I feel as if BRF makes sense to use with athletic rehab, but there is still many questions to be answered. If we are able to bring this technique into rehab programs for athletics safely, it will be greatly used and widely accepted because of the immense benefits of returning to play quicker.

  4. This technique of Blood Flow Restriction with a surgical tourniquets that allow the patient to return to 80% within weeks of rehab is groundbreaking new training. This could be used for elite athletes that wish to return to play faster, this tourniquet is inflated and cuts off blood flow of the injured limb while rehabbing and the researchers have proven this regains patient strength up to 80% in as little as three weeks is remarkable. This technique is low resistance which is good in the healing process to not over exert the patient's limb and risk re-injury. The NFL St. Louis Rams physician even is on board with this new technique as he likes the idea of muscle strengthening without high resistance is key for athletes to return to play faster. As well as the tourniquets have advances sensors, automatic shut offs and don't completely restrict blood flow all being done in a controlled stable environment for the patients. I as an athlete am all for this new technique as there have been no issues in over 200 patients stated from Johnny Owens a physical therapist and chief of human performance optimization at Brooke Army Medical Center. Since this is still relatively new I believe it won't be implemented directly into the medical facilities soon, but within 10 years hopefully this practice will be adopted to help civilians and athletes not just injured war veterans.

  5. Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) is an interesting process. At first it was used strictly to attempt and save a major limb or to save a persons life, now it is being used as a way of rehabilitation for elite athletes and service members. I personally feel that if the studies show that BFR does what people are saying it does BFR should be implemented in rehabilitation facilities, however it needs to be closely monitored and closely studied so that there are no long term adverse effects.

    1. Make sure you follow the specific guidelines for this assignment. You are to have at least 200 words for full credit.

  6. Blood flow restriction training, now more commonly known as “tourniquet training” is an experimental medical treatment that is specifically being applied to rehabilitation needs. The test subjects thus far consist mostly of wounded warriors, with the aim to eventually apply the rehabilitation method to elite athletes as well. BRF training is when a surgical tourniquet is used to restrict the blood flow to a certain appendage or area while the patient participates in strength training. By using the BRF method it allows a less strenuous way for patients recovering from surgeries and other injuries to build muscle at a lower risk to their health. Through this research it has been shown that patients were able to build muscle an average of 50-80% faster than other patients using different rehabilitation methods. Concerns rose within the medical community about the overall safety of this treatment, something that I , myself was concerned about as well. During exercise the flow of blood to muscles is extremely important and the worry of creating any damaging or adverse side effects is huge. However, scientists that are backing this research have said that it has had no negative effects on their test subjects. I think that this is an amazing development and anything that would allow athletes to resume playing quicker, and with a greater strength level should be explored and supported in the athletic community.

  7. I think this therapy of using restricted blood flow to strengthen post-surgery injuries while using less weight but simulating a heavy lift, could be revolutionary for physical therapy and getting athletes back out quicker and possibly stronger than ever before. The Blood Flow Restriction Training clearly has shown beneficial factors throughout the studies done so far, they state that through 200 trials there has not be a single issue so far. I believe this research could bring nothing but positives as along as they continue to keep safety mechanisms in order while using this new training. With all equipment, there is always the possibility of something going wrong even after the research and studies go on. I would like to possibly see how the patients are doing after going back post-rehab to their normal athletic training or practice. In the article they did not talk about how post rehab patients did once going back out there and using their preinjury muscles and ligaments after this new training was applied. I am also curious for the question that could this become a possibility to help restrict injuries from occurring. Since the restriction of blood flow helps simulate a heavy workout, could athletes do this as a precaution from tearing ACL's or rupturing an Achilles during a game or practice. Other than all of the what if’s, I am intrigued to see where this new and revolutionary training will go from here in the athletic and possibly physical therapy field of study.

  8. Blood flow restriction (BFR), seems to only provide positive effects to the military and athletic community. It has been found that only after weeks of training, those in rehab have had, on average, a 50-80% strength gain. 200 people have received the BFR therapy without any issues so far. Although it seems to have nothing but positive impacts on the military, I am a bit skeptical about BFR. The article which we have read is from 2014. I have personally not ever heard of BFR. It makes me question why I have not heard of it, and why it is not being plastered on the news and medias if it has provided such great improvements for those in the military. If it is as revolutionary as made out to be, I believe it could have an everlasting impact on not only those injured in the military, but those injured in athletics, or any other person who could benefit from the therapy. The article stated, those who once wanted their limbs amputated are now putting their faith into the BFR therapy and no longer experiencing the unbearable feelings. If BFR can change a persons mind from wanting to amputate their limb, to simply using BFR training with low resistant weights, I believe BFR can be a game changing therapy, getting those injured back to healthy states in such a minimal time. I think the first step to having BFL become more used is to educate those, like me, who are unaware of this what seems to be, miracle working therapy.

  9. We are always looking for a better, faster, easier way to heal an injury and get back to our daily lives and blood flow restriction training is one of those possible new ways. Though before I talk about all the good or the bad that this new training has, I want to say that there needs to be a lot more research put into this technique. When a new idea comes up like this people tend to get really excited and not look at the negative effects it may have instead they just focus on the fact that people are showing 50-80% strength gains in just a few weeks when this has never been seen before. Even in the article they focused mainly on all the good stuff about this technique and then at the end threw in the fact that we will need to do more research because it may not be quite as safe as we think it is. I love hearing about this new technique that is being used on our veterans and possibly soon athletes, but we can not forget about all the other people who are not star athletes that have went through serious injuries too and just want to get back to their normal daily lives. I can not wait to see information about how they are making this great new treatment available to all.

  10. Blood flow restriction training, or better know as BFR training, is a new treatment that has been presented by tricking the body into not allowing as much blood flow through their limb while exercising. When it comes to watching this treatment happen it is kind of frightening to watch because it cut off all blood flow to that injured appendage. Although the look of the treatment it is a great tool to use when it comes to physical therapy and training for athletics because when a patient is getting back from an injury they are able to gain back a lot of their strength back quickly. Patients were seeing a great deal of improvement of upwards of 50-80% strength gain in as short as a few weeks. This is a great treatment for people who have went through a traumatic event that have a limb that suffered a great deal of injury to the point where they may not be able to save it, but with this they are able to help them regain strength and blood flow back to their injured appendage. I believe that Blood flow restriction training can and will help many injured athletes and others regain back their strength and be able to move forward past this injury.

  11. I think this new method of training or healing of a limb is very interesting and very different than other methods. The success they have had throughout the whole process on military personal is very encouraging to have it with the athletes. You are always told when you get injured and enter therapy that you are going to come back better and stronger but maybe sometimes you do not sometimes you are weaker. These studies have shown that this will work and is giving higher percentage of muscle build than ever before. There is a kind of weary look on it that you are pretty much cutting off oxygen and blow flow and if there were no studies to prove the success i would be against it. But I think it could be a great tool for professional athletes knowing that playing a sport is their job and getting an injury could cost them a great deal. This will help them get back in action a lot quicker than previous healing and make them better and stronger than when they left for injury. I think this is a great method that should be issued out to all athletes and its just the start of new technology and new ideas to come to heal and treat injuries.

  12. I think that this new method of healing limb injuries is going to be a big step for medicine and the recovery process. It is very interesting and it can be vey useful. With the success on military personal it will be promising for athletes and the civilian society. When wounded veterans that wanted to have their limbs amputated now want to keep them and are able to make them as strong as they were before the injury it is very promising. I think this can and will be very useful for athletes. Athletes will be able to recover from season or career ending injuries it will change the recovery process. They are seeing 50 to 80 percent increases in strength in just a few weeks. That should encourage athletes to try it. I think it is great athletes will be able to come back to play faster and stronger than they were. It makes me wonder if this can be used pre injury to see faster gains in strength. This could be the next great way to build mass and become stronger.

  13. Blood flow restriction (BFR) also known as "tourniquet training," is a new medical technique where a cuff is applied to an injured limb to restrict blood flow during strength training. This is the first time I have ever heard of BFR. This technique was first used in the military but is slowly starting to branch out. This technique has shown that only after a few weeks of training, the patient on average has 50-80% strength gain. The video focuses most on the positive impact this technique has had on the military, but that does not always mean it is ready to be used in physical therapy and possibly on athletes. This is the first time I have ever heard of BFR and for that reason I am a bit unsure if this technique should be used on athletes. Most of the time if a new treatment technique is discovered it is all over social media, but this is not the case for BFR. I believe that if this is such a life changing technique to help not only the military then they need to educate all the other people out there who are unaware of this technique. I enjoyed learning about blood flow restriction and think that it is a positive technique for the military but needs for research put into it before it is tested on athletes and in the physical therapy field.

  14. Blood flow restriction training (BFR), or now as it is being called more commonly tourniquet training in a new type of training that is being used for injured service men and women, where they put a cuff around the injured area and it cuts the blood flow from that area to a certain extent and they train with that on with low weight. This is amazing because they can start strength training earlier and with less danger because it doesn't put extra pulling or cause damage to muscle or the soft tissue around it, and people are getting their strength back faster, up to 50-80% strength back in just a couple weeks. now if this was used in sports, or just everyday life it would mean people wouldn't have to do recovery as long and once they got back they would be stronger then without this machine and be closer to what they were before they ever got hurt. If this was just used in everyday PT practices then people could get back to everyday life faster, and it would save them money because they wouldn't have to see a PT as long. The applications for BFR training are endless, I believe there is no reason it shouldn't be used every where and no just the military.

  15. The new tourniquet training known as Blood Flow Restriction training may be the next best thing for rehab. Blood flow restriction training is where a pneumatic surgical tourniquet is placed on your injured limb to restrict blood flow while performing strength training. When first reading about this method of training, it doesn't seem healthy and even seems risky. Looking at the facts and observations of the training however, it seems like it could be very beneficial in the years to come. This type of training allows the injured limb to gain strength without performing high resistance exercises. This is done due to the blood restriction, which causes muscle fibers to work rather than only working when performing strenuous activity. I think this type of training should be used with athletes and not just the military. The article stated that there was a strength gain of 50-80% in just a few weeks of doing this training. The only concern I would have for this training is that it is fairly new and we haven't discovered all of the disadvantages to using this technique probably. I think there should be a little bit more research and testing done on this type of training but think it could be very beneficial for many people in the years ahead.

  16. Blood flow restriction (BRF) training is quickly becoming the next big technique. This technique was originally used to help wounded warriors regain their themselves to their full health and now it is gaining acknowledgement within the athletic world. it is said that with this method, researchers are saying that they are seeing 70-80% strength gains in just a few weeks. Johnny Owens, physical therapist and chief human performance optimization introduced this training. He saw how low loads of this training help service members and then saw the possibility for professional athletes looking to recover from injuries like torn ACLs, ruptured patellar tendons and damaged cartilage. Exercising with diminished blood flow is showing remarkable results, showing both improvements in both muscle girth and the work a muscle can perform in their patients undergoing BFR training. BFR caught the attention of the NFL when they had heard news of this technique being able to open doors in the sports world for those with potentially season-or even career- threatening injuries to recover more effectively. Researchers say that the most beneficial aspect of this technique may be the ability to improve muscle strength while avoiding the stress of high- resistance exercise in the early phases of rehabilitation.

  17. Blood flow restriction training has been evolving as a new technique that will allow the injured to have hope in keeping their limbs and being able to recover faster. So far it has been used in military hospitals to help the soldiers come back fast and be able to have equal or stronger power then they use to before they got injured. I believe that if these soldiers are feeling more confident then before and the readings are promising then I do think this technique should be carried on for athletes. Me personally I would of loved having this after I can't my ACL reconstructed because it would've help so much. A lot of people that get surgery often struggle getting back into their full health and strength. However, I do believe this new technique would benefit a lot of people and would also help out the medical fields that have to do all the rehabs. Also if it has already been tested why shouldn't we let other people get the chance to use it. This new way of doing rehab will change everything. If there are readings that state that this technique can help increase muscle and allow range of motion to come back quicker I think this is something that we should have the ability to use if its only benefiting us as individuals.

  18. Blood flow restriction or BRF is a new method of physical therapy for rehabilitation. Although this is a new method for rehabilitation, BRF originated from a technique that originated from the military known as “tourniquet training”. The way that it works is by cutting off the blood flow from injured limb allows someone to be able have appreciable gains at very low resistance. With the research that has been done so far that 50 to 80 percent of patients who have been doing BRF are seeing strength gaining results, BRF is a very effective in rehabilitation. Athletes who are injured and are out of play need to be sidelined for a fixed amount of time to heal. BRF rehabilitation is able to shorten that time so that athletes are able to be healthier and stronger to return to play. This technique is still new to rehabilitation and further research will be done to ensure that BRF is a safe way for patients to heal and get better. BRF helps strengthen the injured in the early stages of rehab and though there has been research to prove this, they still do not understand why and need to make sure it is properly healing and strengthening all areas of the injury.

  19. Blood Flow Restriction training is a fairly new technique. It’s used in the military and now being introduced into the big leagues of the world, like the NFL. There have been studies showing faster rehabilitation in wounded warriors. This training is applied and used in ways similar to a pressure cuff, it partially restricts blood flow while the patient uses specific muscles in strength training. This training has been proven to improve the health performance of the individuals. There have been improvements of up to 50-80% in regenerative muscle strength and causes less stress of high resistance exercise in the early phases of rehab. There are pristine doctors like Colonel Don Gajewski, the director of CFI and an orthopedic surgeon, who has done research and done peer reviewing that shows the benefits of this training, and although he was originally skeptical, realized that everyone should be doing this kind of training. I think that if the training is showing improvement of strength in wounded warriors, then why not expand the horizons of who this training should be available to. Our athletes in the big leagues are always looking for different ways to rehabilitate their injuries, to become better, stronger in a faster time period. Or to it can be used to prevent career ending injuries, and help athletes get back to play sooner and stronger. If it is working, and good enough for our military men and women that protect our country, then it should be good enough for the athletes that entertain our country.

  20. I personally believe this is a great technique to use when deciding the rehab path that a person takes. As said in the article/video, this technique is being used on our military and soldiers that wanted to have limbs amputated are now wanting the opportunity to try this new training option. I believe that if this technique is being used on our military and is working well, then it should be used on other injuries as well. Athletes that have sustained serious injuries are also having the opportunity to try this rehab and it is working great for everyone. I also believe that this should be used in physical therapy in general and not just athletes and military. I think this is a great resource when providing physical therapy to a patient. The article/video also stated that there is a 50-80% improvement in regeneration of muscle strength. It is also great for getting athletes to rehab quicker and in a safer way than previous practices. One thing that worries me is that there is more research to be done on this study to make sure it is 100% safe to be used on athletes. However, I also believe that scientist will work out any details that could potentially cause harm and this will be an amazing improvement in the health field.

  21. Although Blood Flow Restriction Training is a new technique being used on wounded warriors it is said that the results from it are never seen before. Not only that but it is causing people who were injured in the military that suggested they have certain limbs remove to now keep them because of what the progress they’re making using this technique. Overall, I think it’s a very cool advancement because it allows people to gain strength without damaging joints or soft tissue and takes away a lot of the higher or intense rehabilitation just to get back where they want to be. Also, I think it would be a good think to bring it into physical therapy and athletics. This way it can bring athletes back to play faster and that’s always the goal to get them back healthy as soon as possible. It seems they have tried it out on numerous people and nothing bad has come from it, but I would say that a little more research wouldn’t hurt on any negatives that can occur from treatment.

    1. Please refer to the syllabus for proper guidelines for this assignment. It needs to be at least 200 words long.

  22. Blood flow restriction also known as BRF is a new method for physical therapy, they apply a blood pressure cuff to the injured limb to partially restrict blood Flow while the athlete engages in strength training. they have started to see eye opening results, they started their clinical trials on wounded worriers and then the researchers wanted to extend their research into the civilian world. they said they have done the training on over 200 patients and they have had no problems. I think that with how the BFR study is going and how the results are so shocking that this will help athletes get back on the field much faster and will help they get rid of the fear of not making It back to the season and the game

    1. Please refer to the syllabus for proper guidelines for this assignment. It needs to be at least 200 words long. Also, please make sure to check for grammatical and spelling errors before submitting. Let me know if you have any questions.

  23. Tourniquet training, formally known as Blood Flow Restriction (BFR), is a new form of therapy that is being integrated into rehabilitation for members of the military. The high rate of success that the military is seeing leads me to believe that athletes could also benefit from this technique. Before seeing it used to treat athletes I would want more research to be conducted. Specifically on athletes and not on those in the military recovering from a traumatic injury. If this technique is adapted for athletes it should be closely monitored and those who administer the treatment should be highly trained. The facilities and medical professionals that these BFR treatments are taking place in are far more advanced than the resources that the average athletic teams have access to.

    1. Please refer to the syllabus for proper guidelines for this assignment. It needs to be at least 200 words long.

  24. I think the idea and use of blood flow restriction (BFR) training is an interesting and innovative way of recovery for not only injured soldiers but athletes as well. If it did become a new mainstream form of physical therapy in athlete recovery it would be groundbreaking and revolutionary, because not only it is much safer than many of forms of physical therapy we already have it’s much more comfortable and efficient as well. What BFR does is it restricts the blood flow to injured muscles, tendons, and ligaments and essentially tricks the body into using specific muscle fibers generally used for only the most strenuous tasks while doing very low resistance training. With this happening it tricks the brain into thinking your body is doing high strength and endurance exercise thus releasing anabolic substances like human growth hormone at as high as 290 times baseline levels dramatically decreasing the time it takes for muscle growth and recovery to take place. While some may think that restricting blow flow with tourniquets is unsafe and unproductive I think that as long as BFR training is done in a supervised fashion by trained medical professionals and their staff it can be a very effective and safe form of physical therapy and injury recovery.

  25. Blood flow restriction training is a way of training that can trick the body by not allowing blood to flow as easily when people are strength training. This type of training could provide opportunities for injured athletes to return to play soon because of the significant strength gains. By USF method it allows a less strenuous way for patients recovering from surgeries and other injuries to build muscle at a lower risk to their health. There have been improvements of up to 50-80% in regenerative muscle strength and causes less stress of high resistance exercise in the early phases of rehab. I believe that if this technique is being used in the military and is working well, then it should be used on other injuries as well. I believe this will help them get back into action quicker than other healing has and will make them better and stronger than when they left for injury. I think this is a great new way of healing an athlete and should be used more today.

    1. Please refer to the syllabus for proper guidelines for this assignment. It needs to be at least 200 words long.

  26. When I first learned what tourniquets were, a while ago, I thought it was a pretty scary thing to do. Only using them in situations where you would bleed out otherwise, it can be scary to hear that tourniquets are being used with helping to heal people. As everyone knows, the medical field is constantly changing, so it should not be a surprise that there is a new way to help people heal. I think that as long as there is a lot of research and studies and that they always check out clear, then there should not be any reason to be afraid to try something new. As the video said, this is revolutionary. I find it to be awesome that a technique that is used in the military field is making its way to sports medicine. I guess I just wonder the athletes perspective on this, I wonder how they would feel if a physician suggested this new therapy to them. Another question I have about using this type of therapy, is how intense of an injury would it have to be to lead to this? If this technique is mainly used in the military, those can be some pretty extreme injuries. Versus on a football field or a basketball court. I like and respect that there is this new change in physical therapy, I always find it fascinating when something new comes about, I just wonder what it will be like when an athlete actually has this suggested to them. Also, with the injuries that it takes to get this suggestion, before the ‘tourniquet technique’, how did the player usually heal?

  27. Blood flow restriction training provides many positive effects for the athletes and military personnel who utilize it. Patients apply a tourniquet that fills with air to restrict blood flow of the injured limb and then engage in low resistance strength training. Muscle girth and work ability improves without harming other joints or soft tissues. Athletes tend to use this for injuries with season or career ending potential. Muscular strength gains have been seen to increase by seventy to eighty percent using this technique for just a few weeks. This is due to the lack of oxygen forcing the body to use muscle fibers that are designated for more strenuous tasks such as sprints or heavy weight lifting. This tells the brain to release chemicals like human growth hormone up to 290 times greater than usual. One concern of blood flow restriction could be safety, but with the right supervision and sensors to monitor the patient there should be no issue. I believe this rehabilitation technique could be very useful for any person recovering from an injury or surgery. With quick strength recovery and promising outcomes, it has the possibility of getting patients back to daily life much faster than the current treatments. Something I do question is how much the recovery time really is shortened and how long would the effects be sustained once the technique is discontinued?

  28. Blood flow restriction training is training in which you cut off circulation to a limb and undergo resistance strength training. I feel as if blood flow restriction training could be harmful or beneficial in many ways. This training needs to be done in a controlled and supervised environment with lots of trained staff members. This article does not do a good job at giving us statistics as to how this training can improve athletes. And what about athletes with poor circulation due to medical illnesses, would you steer away from this type of training? I also do not understand the concept of this. Blood carries oxygen which us athletes us to perform at our best, cutting off circulation prevents this. Although I can see this helping with tears as this training did provide a 50 to 80 percent strength gain in just a couple of weeks. I think as time goes on they will perfect blood flow restriction training and this could be the next big thing in the medical field. We need more education in this field of work because I feel as if this could lead to better athletes. It quickens our recovery time and puts us back on the field stronger.
