Assignment #1

Assignment 1: Virtual Reality in Medicine

One of the best aspects of getting into the medical field is the development of new technology for the treatment of new injuries and illness. I thought it would be interesting to start off our Blogger series with this article on how virtual reality is changing medicine. Please use the link below and read the article about VR in medicine. There is also an audio link to the full interview. Please take the time to listen to that. It will take about 15 minutes for the audio interview so please plan accordingly.

How Virtual Reality is Changing Medicine

Here are some questions to consider while you read/listen to the article: How important is it to improve technology in medicine? What are the different therapeutic and medical uses for VR? What are the general purposes of VR (in medicine and other areas)? How does VR relate to the Human Genome research? The topic of social behavior science comes up, what is the importance of this topic in health/medicine?

Respond to a few of these questions in a 200 word or more post on this blog. Your post is due on Monday, January 22, 2018 by 11:59P. 


  1. Improving technology is important because it saves not only time but lives as well, the better the technology, the faster treatments can be used, and information can be communicated over vast distances quickly and efficiently. Through the use of simulations of virtual reality, it is experimentally tested for having a patient be inspected by a VR doctor and even in the case of mental health and other venues such as perspective taking exercises. Some of the examples of viewing a different perspective through the use of virtual reality are schizophrenia, refugees, age deterioration, and other situations through the perspective of other people. This helps in the understanding of what other people go through to help educate people or clarify situations of those people. One of the purposes of virtual reality in medicine and other scientific areas is the study of social and ethical research, such as social behavioral research, which is the branch of genomics that Dr. Susan Persky studies, and using it to study family history’s genetics to help understand for different conditions, staying healthy, and preventing some diseases as well. This can also be used for communication for having a family with the possibility of having these possibly determine whether to continue a corrupt family line or the risks in doing so. This is all very important because of the measures that technology is making in several areas of study, medicine can greatly be improved through the use of this.

  2. Improving technology is essential because this increases efficiency and helps create faster methods to cure and treat patients. Now technology has helped relay groundbreaking new methods to other hospitals quicker and can help solve and reduce mass outbreaks of deadly diseases. Vaccines and other improvements can be made quicker with the help of technological improvements. Virtual Reality simulations help doctors get a feel for what patients go through and to educate and train young interns and doctors on proper bed-side manner etc. with these people. Psychiatric care is used with VR reality, along with suicide and mental health care and "perspective taking" uses of the VR device. This is used to put the doctor into the shoes of a schizophrenia patient to feel what the voices inside their head feel like in order to better understand how to treat these patients. Human Genomics and VR are very closely related with social and behavioral sciences which can help track genetics of a family member to see their health and well being of family history of environment, and to prevent disease. Susan Persky at Bethesda Maryland, studies this and these genome studies can help stop bad habits in a family or help be proactive and improve health of the family based on life choices. This topic is important because being able help patients and not to blame for their bad behavior/life choices, but to help curve their behaviors with practice using VR to create a healthier society and way of life for the patient.

  3. Improving technology inside the medical field throughout time is important in order to improve lives of not only the patients, but those who are treating the patients as well. The use I found most interesting for VR was for people to be able to understand the illnesses and diseases which people suffer, such as Schizophrenia. It is not only essential for researchers to find cures and treatments for those who suffer these illnesses, but it is critical for those treating or even those who are unaware of the severeness of the illness to understand what hardships an individual is facing each day. Referencing back to the Schizophrenia, one can use the VR to experience the voices which an individual may vividly hear throughout their day. VR not only can allow others to experience psychiatric conditions, but people can also experience lives of other people, such as elders. Human Genomics and VR can also be correlated together through family history. The tracking of genetics can help prevent diseases throughout the family. This can also give patients a better understanding that the disease or condition which they have may not be completely their fault, but acquired through genetics. Social behavior science is an important branch off Human Genomics because it can help prevent and understand ones health through the use of genetics. Ones health can be improved or prevented from deteriorating using social and behavioral sciences through researchers or doctors who can foresee patterns, addictions, or bad habits which ones environment can influence upon an individual. Overall, VR has not only had a positive impact on the gaming industry, but the medical and health industries as well.

  4. It is extremely important to improve technology in the medical field. These improvements can lead to new discoveries within the field and potentially save more lives than before. As said in the interview, virtual reality has had a major impact on mental health patients. Something interesting that was said is the virtual reality can help a therapist assist someone who has a phobia. This is an excellent point because the therapist is able to have a deeper connection with the patient to help them get over a fear. For example, virtual reality lets a doctor talk a patient through there fear of heights without going to a mountain and climbing it. Another point made in the interview is that they worked with people that have schizophrenia and this helps people step into the shoes of someone that has schizophrenia. These studies are put in place to help improve the care for patients and ultimately help them be in the best state that they possibly can. The Human Genomics research is branched off of social sciences. Virtual reality is able to help understand Genomics and show that we need to know more about Genomics. Family history is also brought up which is an important consideration when talking about someone's health. All in all, virtual reality is having a major impact in the medical field which is essential to improve care for patients.

  5. Improving technology in medicine is very important, because diseases continually evolve and redevelop. In turn we have to continually develop new technology to combat new diseases and discover more about mental issues. By improving technology you can get information to far away locations faster and keep records better, By using virtual reality you can have therapeutic benefits, such as helping people get through phobias, give new perspectives to therapist or doctors with regards to mental health issues, and help patients battle PTSD. The general purpose of VR in medicine and other areas are to transport people to a different place or to give them a different perspective of a situation or an idea or something that happens in their mind or what they could possibly experience in the future. The Human Genome Project and virtual reality are closely related in the realm of social science, and the fact that using VR could show how a certain habit could affect them or their family in the future. Social behavior science comes up often in talks about health or medicine, because when it comes to mental health there are a lot of social stigmas that would cause people’s behaviors to go against what would be recommended by a professional.

  6. When thinking about the improvement of technology in medicine, it is crucial to make sure that it is staying up to date. Having the best technology can increase the efficiency of the hospital, or any medical facility. When talking about the new and relevant technology, virtual reality simulators should be in the conversation. Dr. Persky talks about how the use of VR can treat PTSD, phobia desensitization, along with the treatment of brain injuries. The use of virtual reality is also beneficial for medical students, it can help them with training on complex procedures. Knowing as much about a patient as possible is important, pairing the use of virtual reality with the Human Genome research, doctors could find different family history about different conditions and diseases, then using the virtual reality technology, professionals could use different methods to treat the individuals. Sometimes medical professionals don’t fully understand what certain patients are going through, with the virtual reality technology they can create different environments to help the provider understand. Knowing different methods of treatment is important, not every person is the same, and won’t react to the same types of treatment, so having the virtual reality technology can help aid these different scenarios. Virtual reality can put the perspective of one person, onto another person. Social behavior science can change the way people interpret their life. Knowing what your history is like, and knowing the different things that could occur, could change the way people get screened for different diseases. Science and technology is always evolving, and the world just needs to stay up to date.

  7. It is vital that medicine technology is continuously improving as it needs to stay up to date with the problems that we occur. We must continue to improve the technology as diseases and other problems continue to evolve. The use of VR in the medical field can be used in multiple ways as Dr. Persky describes. VR can be used in the psychology field as psychotherapy and immersion therapy. It can also be used to treat PTSD, phobias, and potentially brain injuries. VR is also used to train as well. It can be paired with medical students to help them understand medical procedures or it can be paired with professionals to help them know as much as possible about their patient. Knowing as much as possible is important as doctors do not want to misdiagnose patients, and VR will help them be as accurate as possible. Human Genome research is linked very closely to the use of VR. Doctors can track family history to help better understand certain traits or habits that occur. Social behavior science is talked about often as it is important to understand mental health and how it affects behaviors. VR has made a huge impact in the medical field and it will for many years to come.

  8. It is important to improve technology in medicine because technology provides us with more efficient, quicker ways to improve people's lives and cure many diseases. Technology has allowed us to save lives and make many new discoveries in medicine, so we should constantly look to improve it as time moves forward to better our world. Some therapeutic methods for virtual reality can include using virtual reality to face a person's phobia.Virtual reality also allows people to understand the personal side of mental diseases. We can show a disease such as schizophrenia to a normal person through virtual reality to raise awareness about this mental disease. Virtual reality allows us to see many perspectives of people's’ lives to not only help in therapy, but also in medicine and everyday life. Virtual reality allows the patient to experience a real life experience that they may have a fear of while having the therapist next to them to give them advice and talk through the situation. Some medical uses involve training new medical professionals through real life situations with virtual reality. It allows them to get experience in the field without the actual risk. Human genomics research is closely related to the social sciences. It helps us understand our health or diseases/conditions through genetics. By pairing family history with virtual reality, we can better understand diseases and how we should deal with them. Virtual reality is a very interesting improvement in medicine that can better our world and society in so many ways.

  9. Improving technology is important to make medical advancements that could potentially save lives. Having the most up to date technology allows medical professionals to operate with the most speed and efficiency. One example of how VR is used in a therapeutic/ medical way is by familiarizing people with certain types of environments. For someone with a phobia of flying, using VR to create the scenario of flying with a therapist present can help the person overcome this phobia. A therapist can be present when using virtual reality which helps the person through overcoming this phobia. Virtual reality can also be used to help understand certain mental conditions. Another use of virtual reality is to train medical students through certain procedures. This allows the student to get hands on practice without risking a patient’s health and well being. As Dr. Susan Persky describes, understanding other perspectives is important. Human Genome research is related directly to being able to track human genetics, another advancement in technology. Social behavior science is related to the medical field because it helps understand mental diseases and disorders within patients. Thanks to virtual reality, along with many other advancements in technology, humans have been more effective when it comes to treatment.

  10. The improvement of technology is very important. As technology improves so does the treatment. Treatment can be given faster and more effectively with less errors. Improving technology also helps people in the medical field receive better and more efficient training with virtual reality. Virtual reality as it evolves and more commonly used will help in various ways such as psychological therapy, people with mental health problems, and post traumatic stress. As Dr Susan Persky said, someone walking into an office for psychological therapy, it can be hard to imagine a certain situation. Virtual reality can make this easier of being able to face one’s individual distress and ratchet them down. Alos putting someone in virtual reality to have a similar perspective of what a troubled person might be going through to have a more effective approach of the problem. Technology improvement also can help in researching human ancestry to find where a genetic disease started and what caused it. Social behavior research will be greatly impacted as technology improves. Being able to show people what is actually happening when they go to the doctors rather than the doctor just telling might make them more understanding. This could lead people to be more healthier with their lifestyle.

  11. The importance of improving technology in medicine because technology is what helps us improve not only a patient’s life but also the doctor’s lives. Virtual Reality helps the doctors know exactly what they are doing in the surgery and helps them understand exactly what the patient is dealing with. There are many purposes in Virtual Reality. They use them with doctors along with psychology issues. They use VR in therapeutic situations to help people imagine their phobias and help them deal with that fear. They also put people in another person’s shoes to show how people with certain illnesses are feeling and acting. For example, they use VR to show the therapist how people with schizophrenia feel in their everyday life so that the therapist knows how to talk to them, or help solve the patients problems. VR is great with the Human Genome research because doctors use it to track family history and track human genetics. Finally, with VR social behavior sciences will be greatly impacted. This is because they can show the patient what is wrong with them and how they are going to fix it rather than just telling them. The more Virtual Reality improves and becomes used more the better the medical field will help people.

  12. I believe that it is very Important to have technology improve because the medical field is always growing and you need to make sure you are able to grow with it or you will fall behind really fast. VR can be used in many different ways in the medical field such as therapeutic ways to help patients with PTSD and schizophrenia. The main purposes of VR in the medical field is to help doctors plan out their surgeries before they actually preform them on real patients. Doctors can use VR to create an artificial patients they can perform on with the same conditions the actual patient has. VR relates to human genome research by letting doctors track human genetics which is another large advancement in the medical field. Social behavior science is very important in the medical field because it is the patients mental health, the patient needs to be mentally stable for them to be able to get better and healthy from their treatment. VR has been only been in the medical field for a short period of time but it has created large changes in the way we view injuries and illnesses now so we are able to treat them better and more efficiently.

  13. The field of medicine is constantly growing and changing. Researchers and providers are constantly looking for better and more efficient ways to treat patients. Improvements in medical technology are extremely vital to the success of doctors and the survival of patients. Dr. Susan Persky’s research with VR has been shown to be helpful in those who suffer from PTSD, Phobias, and other mental health issues. Not only can VR be used as a form of treatment, it can be used as a catalyst for education and awareness. Through VR people can experience what it’s like to have schizophrenia , be a refugee, suffer from old age, etc. VR has only recently been used in the fields of genomics and social behavior. As human’s we are naturally curious. We like to ask where, how, and why. When it comes to being human and studying our genome/genetics there is still a lot of confusion and debate. How we study these questions and react to the findings (social behavior) dictate what kind of treatment we can continue to study. Dr. Persky is using VR to study how patients react to certain environments and how that can affect their decision making. Dr. Persky is taking these findings and combining them with the patient’s family history which can help a couple through genetic counseling. The research and applications in VR are very exciting. VR has already shown how it can help treat people and with continued efforts I’m sure we will find many more important and exciting uses.

  14. Improving technology in the medical field is very important, it can help improve the time of recovery or even how sever an operation or even therapy how long the patient has to be there for. With the VR it can help many different cases from helping patients that have PTSD and schizophrena it can be an easier and more efficient way for them to go though therapy. But the VR is also a way for doctors to prepare for a surgery or even practice and perfect everything before the put someone under the knife. This VR system also help todays doctors keep track of human genetics this becomes important when it comes to social behavior science and studies because mental health is very important and and helping patients maintain an stable mental health so they can continue to get better and continue successful treatment. With the VR only being around for a short time in the medical field there are obviously improvements that can be made to make it more successful in the future and end up making things in the medical field even more successful then they already are.

  15. When it comes to improving technology it is important because it not only makes things faster and more efficient in the medical field but it can also save lives. All these improvements can help lead to new discoveries within the medical field. The thing that interest me the most was the virtual reality, were you can help people with phobias and help give doctors or therapists a new perspective on the patient. I think the general overall purpose for virtual reality is to transport people to a different place, like a safe place for that person. Sometimes doctors or professionals don't always understand what people are going through so with the technology of virtual reality they can create a safer place for their patients and this way they can get a better understanding of their patients and what there dealing with. The Human Genome project and VR are closely related when it comes to science. Doctors can track family history to help better understand traits and behaviors of there patients. Social Behavior is talked about because it is important to understand mental health. So, thanks to VR and other technology medicine can continue to improve and help better our world.

  16. Improving technology in medicine is important, with improvements in technology it can often make thing quicker and more efficient. Technology helps aid in many surgeries and obviously help scan the body to find issues in muscles, bones, and other levels of the body. During the interview and on the website, they talk about several different medical uses for virtual reality. They use it not only for medical uses such as medical students getting practice in a hospital but with VR, so no actual people are at risk for injury. They also talk about therapeutic uses for PTSD and rehab for brain injuries. Dr. Persky also talks about how they could help patients with suicidal thoughts, can put a patient into their similar real-life problems and showing them why they should stay alive and not commit suicide. This shows the purpose of VR which is to put a person in a real-life situation, but without the risk of something going on wrong. VR allows a human to go into a situation and interact in the situation to make it as realistic as possible, so they get good “hands on” training. When speaking of the social behavior Dr. Persky seems it to be important about this situation. Obviously social behavior will come up in the medical field because there are many different behavioral disorders out there and the better you know about them the more likely you will be ready to handle a situation with the behavioral disorder. Using VR can give you training with those behavioral disorders, so the first time you run into this is not during an actual work session.

  17. Improving the technology is a very growing and important thing in the world we live in today. Technology can make diagnosing and caring for a patient a lot more easy and efficient in some ways. VR can really help medical students learning how to do a surgery or a procedure by doing VR this will help them because they can mess up as much as they want until they get it down it will be a great learning material down the road. VR also helps PTSD and many brain injuries. They talk about how VR could be a big thing in suicide to help cope with the stress and vulnerbility of somebody thinking about committing suicide. The whole point of VR and the reflection its going to have on people is that people are going to be able to go through very realistic situations without hurting people or hurting themselves. Social behaviors will now be very well taken care of with VR because you can get work with different social behaviors before even seeing the problems hands on and right in front of you. The VR system is coming into the medical field no matter what because its about to help a lot of people out no matter who you are and thats only the beginning of the new technology in the medical field.

  18. When it comes to technology in medicine it is important that it is continuously evolving and advancing. Improvements in technology will allow health professionals to be able to handle and deal with different health conditions. Virtual reality will be a huge advance in the medical field. Psychologists have been using VR to help patients with phobias or people with PTSD. VR is also a great way to expose people to what others might go through. In the podcast Dr. Persky gave the example of schizophrenia. VR could also be used for training. Students in medical school could "practice" on patients without ever harming one. Advances in medicine and technology in medicine are crucial to better help patients. Virtual Reality is just the start of what is to come.

  19. Technology in medicine is very important if we as humans want to keep defeating and overcoming diseases and illnesses both physically and mentally. One of these new advances in technology for the medical field is virtual reality. Virtual reality computer technology creates an environment digitally for people that provides the user with the presence in a digital environment. Virtual reality is normally thought of having to do with gaming and futuristic ideas. However, in the research world it has been thought to use virtual reality for more than 30 years. Virtual immersive therapy is used for mental illness by letting them be in that type of virtual environment and overcome their fear. Another way virtual reality is being used in the medical field is having a person be in another's person's shoes virtually. This is a helpful way for people to see what other people with conditions have to go through everyday. For example, this could help people understand what it is like to have schizophrenia and realize how to help them. Researching and discovery new technology for the medical field is crucial on our part in order to continue to make advancements in helping people live and survive in this world. New technology can only help us, in curing diseases and knowing how to help people cope with their mental illnesses.

  20. Improving technology in medicine is essential for exploring new and improved treatment options. Technological advancements can make the process more efficient, which in turn will save lives and improve the overall quality of life. One recent advancement beginning to soon be implemented is the stimulation of virtual reality. It creates a digital environment that surrounds a user and it can provide an experience that makes them feel as if they were really there. The typical use for this is seen in video games, but it can also be used for medical purposes. Virtual reality can help with many psychological disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and phobias. This is done with the use of virtual immersive therapy which actually densensifys people to whatever stressor may be causing the issues. I’m It can also be used for complex procedures that up and coming medical students need the experience for, but are not quite ready to perform on a live human. It works well because it actually tricks the brain into thinking the situation is real. Dr. Susan Persky works for the social and behavioral research branch which is part of the national human genome research. They are trying to learn about our genes and hopefully find where things like obesity and diabetes originate. The more we know about our ancestry the more we know about our personal health. This also includes whatever psychological disorder that is caused from an upset in one's genes. Using genomic research to find the root of the problem can help design the treatment plan with virtual reality.

  21. Advancements in technology, as it relates to medicine, are extremely important because with every new technological improvement, comes a potential improvement in the treatment of patients moving forward. The use of virtual reality (VR) in medicine today, is used in many therapeutic and medical applications, particularly those associated with mental health. Even though the public seems to share the wide misconception that virtual realities only use is for gaming, recent studies, such as Dr. Susan Parsky’s , have proven that VR is able to have a much greater impact than purely entertainment. Therapeutically it can be used as a way for psychologist or therapists to work with their patients in a controlled setting where they are able to walk their patients through any given scenario. For example, if a patient suffers from an severe phobia of flying, like was said in the given podcast, the therapist use VR as an immersive therapy tool to place their patient in a situation where they would face their phobia. ANother way VR could positively affect patient care is by allowing health care providers to utilize perspective exercises. These exercises would allow the professionals to experience conditions that their patients are experiencing, such as schizophrenia, allowing them to gain a better point of view.

  22. In this generation almost everything we use is a form of technology. Being in the medical field, technology is what doctors rely on not only for time management but its crucial in helping save lives. Improving technology in medicine allows physicians to gather information about that person. This means that improving technology as years go on it will work a lot better and allow the doctors to get specific data on that patient. One technology that is currently being setup is this machine called the virtual reality. The virtual reality is a headset that can be placed on anyone that will help a person face their fears and to help get rid of different disorders. Some of these disorders can vary from post traumatic stress to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia was mentioned by Dr. Susan Persky saying that medical students can easily practice this on a patient without even harming them. Having this type of equipment will allow medical students to get hand on experience before getting a job in a hospital setting. However, social behaviors will change drastically because it will help solve problems within a patient. By showing what physical actions that person does. Improving technology is a great way to keep up to date on new problems in our society .

  23. It is very important to improve technology in medicine because it can help to improve total health of all people. These improvements cause greater chance of survival. Making improvements to different aspects all around causes better recovery and more comfortability in the medical atmosphere. Therapeutic use of VR has actually been used for a while but usually used to help people with mental problems such as phobias or post-traumatic stress. VR in regard to medical use can put people in an immersive atmosphere to make it more realistic to help people get over these issues. What are the general purposes of VR (in medicine and other areas)? The purpose of VR in medicine or other areas can give medical students a way to get a life like idea of what people experience or act in certain medical situations. This can also help to keep the therapists involved in the patients experiences through the virtual reality situations. Which gives the therapists more knowledge to use to help the patient. VR can relation to human genome research is intertwined human experience with the medical field to all around help the patient and families. The VR gives them a way to simulate certain situations to make all aspects of life healthier. Giving the families important information where there is a better understanding of what can be done for a disease. The topic of social behavior science comes up, what is the importance of this topic in health/medicine? The topic of behavioral science is very important in this topic because this gives the doctor a better understanding of how the family reacts and helps to all informed of what needs to be done. Also puts parents as ease with genomic information so they can transition through the life changes that will occur.

  24. The purpose of VR has mainly been used in gaming, but is now making its way into many other fields, including medicine to put people directly into the situations that they want to experience.
    Technology is an essential for life and for saving lives. The improvement of technology means the improvement of treatments and this means that people can be treated faster with better methods that can save more lives than ever before. The improvement of technology is the only way to improve the way of life. A major example that Dr. Persky used was helping to treat patients with PTSD or phobias to face their fears. By using VR therapists are able to place their patients right into the situations that scare them the most without actually being there. They are also able to follow along and talk the patients through the situations in which they are in. Before VR this was not possible because the patients had to use their imagine, meaning that the therapist could not easily follow along. Human Genome research and VR are closely related through social behavioral science that help to determine whether a person’s genetic history will affect their health. Social behavioral studies help to turn around bad habits or behaviors that trace back to family history. Knowing this history can play an important factor in a patient’s health.

  25. Improving technology in medicine is extremely important to all life, because as medicine evolves, so does disease so technology has to contentiously evolve with it. One advance in this technology is now the use of virtually reality (VR): It can be used for therapeutic reasons, and medical reasons. For therapeutic reasons, it can help with people who have schizophrenia or phobias, because it can put those people around whatever there phobia is, but in a safe environment. And for schizophrenia it helps the therapist understand what it is for their patients to have that certain disease so they can help them more. Some general purposes for VR is that it can help people get in other peoples places so that we can better understand their disability's. Another use is to experience traveling and gaming but those two things are not as significant as the medical side of what VR is used for. VR is related to the human genome project in the way that it has to do with social psychology and how we understand peoples genes and how they can vary from person to person. It also helps because a lot of gene mapping is looked at as unethical so VR helps in the way that we don't have to use real people to map.

  26. I believe it is very important to improve technology in medicine because technology is becoming more and more prevalent in todays society because it is involved in just about every aspect of our lives anymore. Improving technology in medicine would have great benefits to improving overall standard of care in the medical environment. Some therapeutic benifits to VR are using it in psychiatric and mental health care with PTSD patients to put them in scenarios within in an environment where they can experience whatever it is that is affecting them but in a controlled safe environment to help walk them through how to better handle things that trigger their PTSD episodes. Another way it can be used is with doctors themselves to maybe be able to experience what their patients themselves deal with to help better understand and treat them and their symptoms more effectively. Virtual reality in medicine would be a way to more effectivly connect doctors and patients with each other from a different and more controlled perspective doing this allows doctors to better understand what their patients are dealing with in terms of seeing symptoms from the patients point of view as well as helping patients better deal with the mental health issues they are facing. Overall VR would benefit the medical field by creating a more connected environment between doctor and patient on every level.

  27. Improving technology in the medical field is extremely important because it lets us see things the naked eye could not.It can help students learn procedures and can also make people more confident in their abilities by practicing on a daily basis. It helps patients see their injury in different ways. Technology changing is for the better and more efficient for the patient. Virtual reality can help with illnesses like PTSD and can also help the brain rehabilitate. This can help soldiers that experience this syndrome get better. Virtual reality helps with human genetics and can also be helpful in many social behavior studies. This will give us a better understanding on how people with mental illnesses think and how we can better them. I’m excited to see where Virtual Reality goes in the future because it has only been around for such a short time, I feel like this could change the medical field drastically. We can get results instantly instead of waiting a week for lab work to come in. They can also develop some sort of Virtual Reality physical therapy rehab to bring home with the patients.The possibilities are endless with this device.Virtual Reality is the future.

  28. The improvement of technology in the medical field is crucial because it not only helps lives but help the doctors make better improvements and help save lives faster. Improvements in the medical field can help lead to new discoveries that could help save a life. One major thing that virtual reality can do to help with therapeutic and medical uses is mental health patients. An interesting fact about this in the interview is that the virtual reality can help calm mental patients and put them in a place that calms them so therapists can talk and work with them in a calm state. It also helps for PTSD, rehabilitation of the brain, and training on complex procedures and difficult clinical conversations for medical students. The general purpose of VR is to make people feel as if they have traveled to another place, and to now help improve health care.

  29. Technology has only been improving throughout the years. Continuing to improve technology is very essential and helps create more efficient methods and procedures, to help save lives. Virtual reality tends to have a negative view because people think it is a gaming thing when talked about. VR, is very helpful throughout our world, not only in the gaming regards. Especially when talking about the medical side of it. Dr. Susan Persky discusses how it is used in depth. Human Genomics and VR are very closely related with social and behavioral sciences. This aids in tracking genetics of a family member to see their well being and to prevent diseases. Another way this is used is to put people in situations they are deathly afraid of. For example, people who have a flying phobia can easily sit down in an office and experience a plane take off, without physically experiencing it. This helps because it makes them get personal experience with this particular phobia and aids them in overcoming it. More discoveries in the medical field can only improve peoples lives, and understanding of their families past which ultimately will only aid in society.

  30. Everything in the medical field is always changing, this means it is very important for the improvement of technology. One therapeutic use of the Virtual Reality system that Dr. Susan Persky describes is for immersion reasons. This helps with patients with phobias or with post traumatic stress disorder. The patients can be put in this sort of environment that helps them get over whatever it is and the therapist can be there with them. The general purpose of the Virtual Reality system is, as the host of the show says, "Virtual reality is capable of making people feel as if they have traveled to another place, visualize things that can't exist in reality, and can be used to improve healthcare." Right now, virtual reality is really big in the gaming world, and with more and more research, it is being used to "improve healthcare". Virtual reality and Human Genome research are closely related according to Persky through social behavioral sciences. Persky explains that social science and genomics interact with each other through people wondering what everything means and the ethics behind it all. Persky uses the example of "what does it mean that my genes are different than somebody else's genes?" There's that connection of social sciences, people, and genes, genomics.
