Assignment #2

Assignment 2: Mental Health

Mental health is important for everyone to be aware of and understand. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has some great information on their web page. Below is a short video of coming to college and understanding mental health.

After watching the video, use the links provided to learn more about mental health and what Heidelberg has to offer. 

Heidelberg Counseling/Disability Services
NAMI- Learn More
NCAA- Mental Health

After gaining more insight into mental health and what resources are available to you as a student at the Berg? Why is mental health so important? Why, as athletic trainers, do we need to understand mental health? Is there a connection between mental health and injuries? What can we do as an AT to help our athletes with their mental health?

Your assignment is due Monday, January 29, 2018, by 11:59 pm. As a reminder, the post needs to be AT LEAST 200 words or more for full points on this assignment.


  1. Mental health is a significant part of life since it includes our emotional, psychological, and social well being. It ultimately affects how people think, feel, and act. Here at Heidelberg, Stoner Health and Counseling Services are available for free to any full time student. It is run by three licensed professional counselors who provide a multitude of services. Individual counseling is available for students who need to conquer obstacles which hinder personal development. Couple counseling is there to resolve conflicts and teach better communication. In group counseling, students can share concerns with and receive support from like-minded members. Outreach programs are implemented to help students focus on issues they deal with everyday such as stress, time management, and interpersonal skills. As an athletic trainer, it is important to understand mental health because athletes tend to have psychological responses to injuries. The normal emotional reactions include frustration, isolation, lack of motivation, etc. Occasionally an injury can bring up serious mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Concussions are one of the leading causes for an amplified psychological responses. Cognitive and emotional dysfunction can be a direct result of the injury. Many times the athlete struggles being out of practice while the brain is healing because they cannot actually see the injury compared to somebody who is on crutches or has a cast. Athletic trainers are able to help athletes with their mental health by simply being aware of the common symptoms of various psychological disorders. They should understand all of the resources available to them on campus and be able to provide a strong support network for the athlete.

  2. Mental health is a very important subject because everyone has emotions that can be good or bad and should be treated if emotions are negatively affected an individual’s mood or their way of thinking. A good resource at Heidelberg for counseling for mental health can be found at Stoner Health and Counseling Center. Which is in Campus Center 146. You can recieve help by signing up in the building or reach them by phone or email. Athletic trainers need to understand mental health because during an injury an athlete’s emotions or mood can persuade their decisions to have unhealthy behaviors. Also during an injury an athlete can start to suffer from depression which can affect them psychologically in a negative way. Depression can also be reached easily by athletes through a concussion injury because they spend time away from there sport. Athletes who get an injury may be afraid of losing playing so they try conceal their injury. By doing this it makes the injury get worse. It is important for athletic trainer to understand mental health so they can explain to the athlete how important it is to treat an injury the correct way and and giving it the time the injury need. It also important for athletic trainers to explain to athletes that having an injury and taking the time off for it to heal is not a sign of weakness.

  3. Mental Health is a crucial part of life. Mental health is important because it has to do with our social, psychological, and emotional well being. Mental health effects how you think, feel, act, and all of your emotions. At Heidelberg their are two services available to full time students. Stoner Health and the Counseling Center are great places to go if you need any individual counseling, couples counseling, or group counseling. Their are also other programs or sessions at Heidelberg you can attend to help manage time, stress, sleep, and homework. As an Athletic Trainir it is important to know about mental health because some athletes mental health can be affected by school, injury, homelife, etc. When athletes get hurt they go through emotional changes such as, anger frustration, lack of motivation, and determination, which can also lead to depression or anxiety disorders. As an athletic trainer it is important you know how to handle these situations so that the athlete can heal properly and strong. Mental health and injuries are connected because if the mind is weak or worried than the body isn’t as strong either, which can increase injury risk. As an athletic trainer you are able to help athletes with their mental health by making them aware of risks, symptoms, and make sure the athlete understands all the resources that are available to help and support them.

  4. The resources available to a Heidelberg student is counseling held in the Stoner Health Center. A Heidelberg student can make an individual appointment with either John Sharp, Karen Raber, or Johanna VanRenterghem. These individual appointments are confidential, and you are given client rights to assure all are welcome. Mental health is so important because any person can have downs and it is important for them to feel they have individuals around them to make them feel important and needed. These mental health conditions cause changes in how we think about yourself, you often put yourself down and feel worthless. Allowing an individual to get proper treatment can help make them realize their full potential in life and how to deal with stress. Athletic trainers need to understand mental health because an injury can trigger emotional responses, and although some athletes respond differently it is to pay attention to an injured athlete’s emotional state. As athletic trainers they can help athletes with their mental health by encouraging them to stay engaged and to seek treatment if you notice the symptoms or emotional reactions become long-lasting. Most importantly allow the athlete to know that they can and will bounce back, that the injury is just an injury and will not last forever because it is temporary.

  5. Mental health is a key factor is everyday life that affects someones, social, physical and psychological well being. Some symptoms can be drastic mood swings, eating disorder, struggle sleeping depression,and the worst even suicidal thoughts or actions. Mental Health is something everyone should be aware of because many people around college age struggle with their own mental health. Find someone you can trust and tell them how you are feeling because people are there for you and it may be difficult for someone struggling to voice their own feelings. That is why at Heidelberg's campus we have many resources for this in the Stoner Health Center. All appointments and counseling is confidential and these meetings can help someone feel the importance of life and how to deal with stress and that they feel cared for by friends and family. It is easy access by either calling or emailing the counseling center and the meetings take place in room 146 and you can meet with Karen Raber, John Sharp, and Johanna VanRenterghem. For athletic trainers it is important during devastating injuries to monitor the athlete's emotional state. Some may handle the set back fine while other athletes may need counseling to overcome this injury and continue rehab to get back on the field physically healthy, as well as emotional. Emotional health is a constant thing to monitor unlike a physical injury that will heal. Monitoring someone's emotions and actions is key because you don't want that person's symptoms to get worse, so athletic trainers need to be aware of both the athlete's physical and emotional well being during rehab. Any person going through tough times should know they are not alone and they have people ready in your corner wanting to see you succeed and lead a healthy physical and emotionally stable life.

  6. Mental health isa very important aspect of life to know about especially in college where its very bad or it gets bad. Stress is the real key factor in initiating mental health. In colleges we have a lot of resources all around if you feel like you are very depressed or having a lot of stress. Your friends and family should be taught about mental illness and they should be a resource to lean on if you are having problems. As athletic trainers you need to know about mental health because you should always know the patient before you treat them whats going on and if you are going to hurt them in any way because of their mental health. I mean there could be a self inflicting injury if the mental illness gets very bad thats one way. But you should know if somebody has mental illness in treating the injuries to see what they did and if they need help because they are having issues controlling things. As an AT you can for sure help the person out by yourself by calming them down if they are pretty bad or you can reccomend a professional to help. There will always be an answer to anybodys problems it just matters how quick you solve them and if you find help in doing so.

  7. The resources available to the Heidelberg University student body concerning mental health are the counselling services available at Stoner Health Center. At Stoner Health Center you can make appointments to get evaluated for mental health disorders, talk one on on to a certified counselor, and learn preventative techniques. Mental health is important because its what keeps us sane and thinking clearly. Anybody that has even had a slight deterioration in mental health can you tell you that your thoughts aren’t always the clearest when you’re having an episode or not feeling the best. As an athletic trainer it is important to understand mental health and the signs of mental health disorders because if you notice the signs you may be able to talk to your athlete and get them the help they need before things go too far and it’s too late. The best way to help athletes with mental health in my opinion is to just be watchful, and to let them know that you’re available to talk about issues they have and not only their physical injuries. While mental health issues can’t cause injuries, the reverse of that statement is very real and possible. There has been many cases of injuries in athletes that have caused depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and many other issues.

  8. Some of the resources that we have on campus here at Heidelberg for mental health would have to be Stone Health Center, there they can help you get through some of the rough times that you may be going through and might even refer you to another one of the largest resources for mental health you can get which would have to be the counseling and disability services that we have. Some of the other resources that we have on campus would have to be the staff and faculty, they would be more than willing to help any student that is having mental health problems. As athletic trainers you need to be able to spot someone who is acting different than they usually do or has changed in a negative way. There is most likely a connection between mental health and injury because a student who isn’t playing at their best ability because of an injury could cause them to be having mental health problems. An Athletic trainer could help someone who is having mental health problems by giving them time to vent to you or talking with them to give the reassurance that everything will be okay and they will hopefully be back to their full performance but sometimes that isn’t always the case.

  9. Mental health is an important issue especially for the time that we live in today. The issue with mental health is that people are greatly affected by the media, role models, and other influences, and because of this, students are more likely to make poor decisions based on what these influences tell them. Mental health affects many different people because despite what their outward appearances may appear, everyone is struggling with something in their lives. This can happen at early years all the way through maturity. In high school and college students especially, this can be a very fragile time in the student’s lives. Because of this, there are mental health services in several forms that you can go to for help such as counselors, coaches, parents or other trusted adults or friends. It’s so vital to have help available because during this fragile time of a person’s life, they might experience a low so low in their life where they might actually take their life. Athletic trainers evaluate overall wellness of a person and that not only is geared towards their physical well being but also their psychological well being as well. Using this, an athletic trainer might be able to recognize signs of self-harm or mental illness and be able to help. If a person has poor mental health, they might try to do self-harm to themselves and this can lead to more harm or other injuries and as an athletic trainer, it is their job to recognize this and seek help with this individual. By reminding the athletes about the people and facilities that are available for them, they might be able to help change their mind or help them.

  10. There is a counseling service here on campus, which is available on the school’s web page. The counseling service has its own email, along with a phone number to make appointments. Some people are afraid to go to counseling, because some don’t want their parents involved, but here at Heidelberg, and most counseling clinics, if you’re 18, which most incoming freshmen are, they have a confidentiality right. They can’t give any information away without written permission from the patient. Mental health is important because it can influence people easily. If a person is feeling too many emotions in a negative way, it can change the way that person will present themselves in public. Injuries can affect your mental health, and it doesn't even have to be a head injury. Any injury can affect an athlete in a different way, some may be able to handle it without a problem, but for others it could trigger major depression, anxiety, and different eating disorders as well. It’s important for athletic trainers to know the different signs and symptoms of a variety of injuries. It’s important to realize that some symptoms after injury are normal, but when certain ones like depression last long than normal things become problematic, that is when ATs need to know the right ways to approach every situation.

  11. Mental health is important because it can affect ones feelings, mood, and their thought process. Heidelberg offers counseling full time for the students free of cost. Students are able to make an appointment via email or phone to speak to somebody and seek treatment. All information shared will remain confidential. Athletic trainers should be informed on physical health as well as mental health. Many athletes who become injured for short or long periods of time may be prone to poor mental health. Athletes with injuries may develop depression, anxiety, eating disorders, or become engaged with drugs and alcohol. There is shown to be a linkage between injuries and mental health. As an athletic trainer it is important to encourage the athlete to take as much time as they need to rest and recover properly. Nobody should be forcing the athlete to "tough it out". It is also important to keep the athlete feeling as if they are apart of the team and engaged, not forgotten. Athletes often would like to hurry through their injuries to begin playing, but regaining their physical health is crucial in order for good mental health. Athletes must take baby steps back into activity in order to prevent another injury. Overall, AT's may see some normal distressed symptoms from athletes, but the AT should be aware of symptoms which could end up leading to long-lasting mental illnesses.

  12. Mental health plays a pivotal role in a person’s daily life. How you act, react, and make choices are affected by your mental health. As an Athletic Trainer it is important for us to understand the role an athlete’s mental health plays in their treatment. When an athlete becomes injured and taken out of normal activity it can be a very stressful and anxious time. Being an athlete that has had to take significant time off I understand the frustrations that come with not participating in your sport. This lack of participation can bring on many different thoughts and feeling that can affect an athlete’s mental health. Difficulties with your mental health come with a host of symptoms just like any other injury or illness. They can include: sadness, isolation, irritation, lack of motivation, anger, frustration, changes in appetite/sleep, and/or disengagement. Most of these symptoms, while still real, do not present themselves in a visible manner. This makes mental health harder to identify and treat. Athletic Trainers are trained to treat athletes so they can return to play. If an injury that affects an athlete physically begins to have a negative effect on their mental health then it is the Athletic Trainer’s duty to help them seek the proper treatment. The NCAA suggests that Athletic Trainers, “Understand the common psychological responses to injuries as well as the need for monitoring for problematic responses that can be triggered by injury.” Injury/Mental health can have adverse effects on an athlete and their well being. This is why it’s important for us to have at least a basic understanding of mental health and it’s treatment.

  13. Mental health is a very important issue. Many people think that only the few or weak minded people are affected by it. As they talked about it in the video the transition to college is challenging and many people are affected. Mental health plays a huge role in your daily life. Here at Heidelberg we have multiple places to turn. Stoner Health Center and counseling are available to every student. If you are struggling you can make an appointment or if its an emergency then you can just walk in. We also have disability services if you have a mental health condition. As an athletic trainer you will deal with mental health so you should now about how to help. Here at Heidelberg many students are athletes and sports are a huge part of their life. Injury and mental health are very closely intertwined. If an athlete gets hurt and has to sit out for an entire season then they may start to feel down or depressed. Being injured you are still part of the team, but you are not able to participate so you could feel left out. As an AT you need to be aware of the common psychological reactions to injury and be able to help with them. Mental health can be affected my a varieties of things and injury is one of them as and AT you need to be able to at least recognize symptoms and reactions.

  14. Mental health is a critical part of life. It affects how we act, feel, and think. At Heidelberg, we have many resources available to us. We have the Stoner Health & Counseling Center. Along with the councilors John Sharp, Karen Raber, and Johanna VanRenterghem. These resources are available to all students at any time. The individual counseling appointments are confidential. Athletic Trainers need to understand mental health because if an athlete experiences an injury it could trigger health issues such as depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and substance use or abuse. If the athletic trainer understands mental health then they will be able to see the athlete having these problems they can get them the help they need. There is also a relationship between injuries and mental health. For example, if an athlete tears their ACL they will experience things like being upset and depressed because they cannot participate in the sport they love. As an AT, we can help our athletes with their mental health by providing an environment of listening and empathy for athletes that may be experiencing mental health issues and provide referrals in a supportive manner. Another way an Athletic Trainer could help athletes with their mental health would be to let the coaches know how the kid is feeling and the type of help he might need to get.

  15. Mental Health is a problem that our society should take seriously. It's an issue that can affect someone no matter how old they are. For us it's important to notice the signs and symptoms a person shows so that we can help better their situation. Mental Health rages from being emotional, physical and psychological in a person's life. Luckily there are was to help stop these problems before something dangerous happens to the point where it can affect someone else. There are places that offer counseling sessions or if you attend Heidelberg University we have a facility called the Stoner Health and Counseling Services that is available for the students and faculty for free. They provide care and guidance for people who struggle with stress. These personal issues can never be disclosed unless asked permission from that person. We as Athletic Trainer it's important to understand mental health because it should affect the way an athlete performs on the field or court. Being a certified Trainer it's your goal to get your athlete well and prepare to get back to the sport they love. Having a personal experience tearing my ACL and having to get surgery I was always depressed when it came to not being able to play. However, with my Athletic Trainer always encouraging me it allowed me focus on myself and having that will power to play again.

  16. I feel that mental health is super important due to the fact that there are more than fifty percent of college students who experience some kind of mental health issue within the first year of schooling. The sooner the mental health issue is found and corrected the sooner the student can get back to focusing on school. They will also know how to cope in a healthy way. If these similar issues are experienced again they know how to get proper help. As a student at Heidelberg I learned that at Stoner health center there are Heidelberg Counseling and Disability Services which gives you a chance to make appointments to get assessed and individual counseling. As an athletic trainer we need to understand mental health to make sure that all athletes that we assess are able to compete in a healthy way. Also, to get them to get back to their sport and if they are experiencing mental health issues due to a sports injury that the athlete gets the proper treatments. There are many times that athletes will get injured and experience a mental health issue. I have had a few injuries and I can say that It really does impact your mental game. One example was when I partially tore my ACL I would get upset knowing that I would be out for so long and be getting behind. This was a big deal because one of my goals was to play college soccer and with this injury I felt a little defeated. But I had to keep a positive outlook and I had a lot of supportive friends and family to keep me on the right track. I feel as an AT we can make sure that we can help our athletes with mental health issues by helping to motivate them to use the process, though it's hard, as a new gateway for their sport. The process they go through to get better will only make them stronger. Overall to support and give them all the help that is there to make sure they stay healthy and can perform to the ability desired.

  17. As students at Heidelberg University, we have access to confidential counseling. At initial appointments, a student will talk with a counselor and decide whether or not further services should be pursued. Also at this point, it will be decided if the student should seek help outside of Stoner Health Center or within the health center itself. Individual counseling is offered through Heidelberg and is offered in a completely confidential environment. According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), mental illnesses affect a person’s thinking, feeling, or mood. Mental health is important to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. As an athletic trainer, understanding that there are emotional reactions to injuries is important because it is something that is seen in sports. Depending on the injury and severity of the injury, an athlete may negatively change their behavior which could result in unhealthy habits. Mental health is directly related to injuries and an example is provided on the NCAA website. The example given is when a student athlete is injured and they intentionally reduce their calorie intake because they know they are not as active as they would be uninjured. This is unhealthy and can lead to disordered eating. As athletic trainers, we can be aware of the warning signs and symptoms to mental health disorders. Being educated on the resources available to student athletes and being able to share that information with your athletes is another way athletic trainers can help with the mental health of their athletes.

  18. Mental health is extremely crucial in the overall view of life. Mental health is responsible for our physical, emotional and psychological well being. It’s important to maintain a persons mental health in order to be their best self. College is a tough time for teens and young adults considering all of the huge life changes that they are going through. The vast majority of college campuses offer resources such as the ones we provide here at Heidelberg. Stoner Health and Wellness Center offers counseling services for individuals who are facing everyday stressors or even life altering problems such as grief by talking to a licensed professional. In these counselling sessions they can provide tools that may be needed in order to develop healthy coping mechanisms that allow a person to better care for their own mental health. In the Athletic Training world it is important to understand the struggles that your athlete may face while experiencing an injury. Injuries are often far more than just physical trauma, the psychological aspect can also play a huge role in the recovery of your athlete. Knowing these things can help the athletic trainer provide the best possible care for their athlete moving forward.

  19. Mental health can have a severe impact on our everyday lives, not only does it affect our mental well-being, but our social, psychological, and physical state. Not having good mental health can harm our social lifestyles, how we think and feel, our education and learning, and even our physical performance. It is very important for Athletic Trainers to recognize the importance of mental health for the athletes that they are treating. If an AT has a patient who is struggling with the stress of their injury and the pressure to get back to playing, they may become upset or frustrated which is a normal reaction. This can lead to a lack of motivation and can harm their mental state if they begin to believe that they will not play again or might lose their position. If an athlete begins looking at their injury in such a negative light can lead to depression. This is why it is so important for athletes to understand their mental health and the importance of diagnosing an injury to heal it properly. Though sometimes it can take a while, it will be better for them in the long run. It is also important for the AT to understand this so that they can properly explain to the athlete what they will be going through and have it is going to take effort and time to get back to their sport. At Heidelberg, we have the Stoner Health Center that offers free counseling for those who are having any type of emotional, social, or psychological problems that they may need to talk about. Full confidentiality comes with these services, this is a good place for anyone to go whether they are an athlete dealing with an injury, a student dealing with the stress of college, or an type of personal problems that they may be going through.  

  20. Counseling can be found at Stoner Health and Counseling Center for any full time student at the Berg. Professors, who are always open to talk, are always willing to be there for us, as well as our coaches if we are a part of a team. Mental health is so important because more than 30% of beginning college students tend to feel down at some point or go through emotional distress from time to time. As athletic trainers you need to understand mental health because you need to know how each student-athlete reacts to certain situations, such as their pain tolerance, their stability, or how they handle injuries. Emotional reactions to injuries are normal but everyone needs to understand that problematic reactions do occur. Certain reactions can be eating disorders, depression, suicidal ideation, problematic psychological responses, and neurodegenerative diseases. All these reactions can be triggered from an injury showing that there is a connection between mental health and injuries. An athlete can start to feel self-doubt about themselves because of an injury and can quickly gain any of those reactions if not seen to properly. As an athletic trainer you can help student athletes with their mental health by helping them seeking the correct treatment that they need. It is important to be aware of common signs and symptoms for various health issues and understand the resources available to treat them.

  21. Mental health is very important to the well being of an individual. Mental health can affect our whole body, it can lead to depression, affect our social lives, how we act, how we learn, and most important how we feel. At Heidelberg University, we have access to the Stoner Health Center which is a great resource to use if you need emotional, physical, or social counseling. It is important, as athletic trainers, to understand mental health because it is in correlation with the physical body. Injuries can lead to stress and anxiety which could hurt their performance. An athletic trainer must understand the athletes mental health to help treat them physically. Then connection between mental health and injuries is very prevalent. An athlete may not have great mental health if they are dealing with an injury and they can also cause an injury if they have poor mental health. Athletic trainers can help the athletes by making sure they have access to the right resources and also assuring them that they are in good hands and they should not worry about their injuries. We must also assure them they will be able to recover from most injuries so that they dont develop anxiety about their futures.

  22. mental health is important to everyone one, because your mid is what controls yourself, and if that is having problems then everything else will be to, when you have bad mental health it doesn't just affect your mind, it affects you physically to. For the Athletic trainers here, and everywhere it is important for them to understand mental health pretty well because they are in charge of the players when they get injured, and a lot of times after a player gets injured, especially if it is serious, they go on a downwards spiral and their mental health goes down a lot because they are not able to do what they love. So they need to have an understanding with this so they can prevent it before it happens, or catch the warning signs if someone is starting to go down the spiral. There is a connection between mental health and injuries, like I said before if an athlete is to get injured they are likely to develop more of a unhealthy mental state, and if that happens it is harder for them to recover, which just keeps them injured longer. Athletic trainers can help these athletes by catching the signs earlier, and discussing with them about it. They can keep them occupied with little exercises they can do. And also they can send them to the counselors to discus their problems and what they can do about them and how they van help themselves get back on the right track.

  23. Mental health is very important when it comes to being a student and an Athletic Trainer. We are constantly balancing school work with being an Athletic Trainer and on top of that we like to have social lives. If you are ever feeling down, lonely, or overwhelmed there are plenty of resources Heidelberg offers like our lovely counselors who can sit down and talk with you with just about anything. We also have nationwide resources like the suicide prevention hotline, or the rape network. Mental health can be crucial for your success in life. If you are feeling down in life and never get picked back up you can really dig yourself in a hole. Athletic Trainers need to know about mental health because we need to know how they might act towards an injury or illness. If an athlete is mentally unstable it can lead to injury. I believe if you are not mentally there your entire body will weaken and you will get injured. If we see an athlete struggling with a mental illness we can try and talk to them. We can support them and encourage them to get help. Athletic Trainers need to be aware of all mental illnesses so when a athlete does have one they can catch it quickly.

  24. Mental health is not only a person's emotions, it is also a person's medical condition that can be long lasting without the proper care. Mental health is important because it impacts how you act and feel emotionally. Student athletes can experience mental health issues during a lot of different situations. Injuries, not performing well or not getting the playing time you expected to receive can all affect an athlete's mental health and bring their emotions down. Injuries with an athlete is one of the main reasons athletes can break down mentally because the injury is taking away the sport they love and cannot play. When an athlete is injured, athletic trainers need to be there to support their athletes and get them the best care they need to get them back on the field, court, ect. Here at Heidelberg, there are many different services that are available to students dealing with mental health issues. If wanted, individual counseling is offered and as promised information will be kept confidential. During the session, the student may talk about any concerns or problems they are dealing with. They can also talk about coping techniques they can use to help them overcome their mental health issues. Overall, mental health is a serious issue that affects many people at different stages in their life.

  25. Mental health is an important factor in everyone’s lives, not only while in college but in your everyday lives that effects all parts of ourselves including physical health, emotional health, and social health. At Heidelberg there are more than a few ways to go about getting help if you find yourself facing what you feel are mental health issues. You can go to speak to the pastor at the church we have on campus to get assistance from a religious stand point or you can go to Stoner Heath and receive counseling services through them as well. As athletic trainers it is important to understand mental health because we see athletes on a regular basis and are the first line of medical staff that they speak to. For them to even be involved in sports in the first place they are required to answer questions that involve their mental health status because some sports injuries like concussions can cause mental health disorders. As athletic trainers we can recognize these symptoms that are caused from traumatic brain injuries and provide them with ways to each out to these services that are there for them to talk to someone regarding their mental health issues.

  26. I feel as if mental health is important because it on going it can potentially effects someone’s daily life. Such as causing their mood to change and how they function each day and that can be a lot to handle at once and lead to other issues if not properly treated or discussed. After receiving more information about mental health and the recourses available at Heidelberg, I now know that if there were any troubles in that area there are councilors available that can assist you in figuring out what the problem or concerns are and help as they see fit. And if you are worried about other people finding out it’s completely confidential and that you will be free to tell your experience without everyone knowing your business, so it’s a good system they have to help. For some people injuries may be hard to overcome and weigh an athlete down and cause these mental health issues so there is a connection between them. As Athletic trainers, we need to understand mental health because it can sometimes be related to sports and if you can detect it by knowing about the problems that can occur it could help an athlete better themselves. An Athletic Trainer can help our athletes with their mental health by knowing the signs and being able to refer them to a person who can work them through it.

  27. Mental health is a very important aspect of life. If you are not mentally healthy, you might not be able to function in day to day activities, which can start to seriously affect your physical and emotional health. For some reason, there is this stigma about mental health and that if you just pretend to be happy, then you will be. There are a lot of people that do not take mental health seriously, it is time to end that. As a student at Heidelberg University, there are resources you can use. No one is alone, you can always go to the Stoner Health and Counseling Center. When there, you can make an appointment for individual counseling. As an adult, everything can be kept confidential (unless of course the counselor thinks there is a major reason not to) which can be a very important thing. Other than the Stoner Health and Counseling Center, Heidelberg University students can basically talk to anyone they feel comfortable with. Because it is such a small campus, we make really personal relationships, not just with our friends, but also with our professors, faculty, and even coaches. One major thing that can cause someone to be mentally unhealthy is stress. A lot of times, student athletes experience a lot of stress, because of classes and also the added pressure of performing well in their sport. That is why athletic trainers should be aware of mental health issues, because they could pick up on signals of athletes if they are more informed. Like I said before, if you aren’t mentally healthy, you might not perform as well, which might even end up causing injuries. As an athletic trainer, you could always make sure the athletes know you are there for them, not just on the court or field, but also just in general. I know a lot of athletes have a deep relationship with their coaches, but they could also have this relationship with their trainer too, if they felt comfortable with that. It should be the athletic trainers job, not just to make sure they are physically healthy, but also mentally.

  28. Mental health is a problem that is still increasing to this day. Mental health is a serious concern because it deals with how we think, feel, and act. There are many places to get help. At Heidelberg University you can go to Stoner Health Center and the Counseling Service Center for free. Along with those facilities you can ask an athletic coach or somebody you are comfortable with and trust to help you. Proper mental health is important no matter what age you are, from being a little kid to an adult. Mental health can affect your physical, psychological, and emotional well being. Athletic trainers need to understand and know how to deal with mental health that correlates to injuries. They need know this because individuals can suffer from depression, aggression, frustration, and even anxiety because of injuries affecting their lives. There are many ways a athletic trainer can help with these situations, such as motivating them and keeping them busy athletically, so there mind is not in a bad place. Concussions are a big part to athletes with bad mental health because they aren't hurt where they cant move a certain body part but are injured where our thoughts and actions are created. They are still able to do the sport but will cause serious damage if they continued the sport untreated. Athletic trainers are certified to understand all the symptoms to poor mental health but also need help from the person with bad mental health to speak up and not hide it because in the end it just gets worst. All athletes in the beginning of each year should be informed on where to go to get help with mental health and also why they should speak up.

  29. Mental Health is important to each and every person because it affects each and everything we do. Mental health disorders affect our energy levels, perceptions, daily functioning, and overall quality of life. Here at Heidelberg University, there are mental health services available within Stoner Health and Counseling Center, and on their website. These services include counseling sessions, lists of warning signs of suicide and depression, and an entire page dedicated to information about what to do if you think you have depression or another mental health disorder. As athletic trainers however, you work with many people under an almost constant amount of stress. This stress can lead to burnout, and exacerbate symptoms of previously existing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. You need to be able to recognize the warning signs of burnout, as well as being able to spot an anxious or suicidal athlete. Many people commit suicide each year when their symptoms go overlooked, or are not properly treated. Not only is suicide a major risk, but injuries are as well. When the mind is preoccupied, or not functioning as it should due to burnout or depression, an athlete can’t pay enough attention to safety. To help athletes with their mental health, athletic trainers should be well educated in the subject, and able to recognize the signs and symptoms for common mental health disorders and burnout. Also, ATs should know the appropriate resources available for the athlete, and should be able to guide the athlete to getting proper treatment. As an athletic trainer, you should always be observant, look out for your team, but don’t forget to look out for yourself too. National Suicide Prevention Hotline (USA): 1-800-273-8255, 1-800-273-(TALK)
