Assignment #3

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This time we will be looking at nutrition. We all know that good nutrition is important for leading a healthy life, but how important is nutrition when it comes to wound care and healing an injury? This article should give you some insight on how nutrition can play a big role in injury prevention and healing. 

Please share some of your thoughts on how nutrition is important for an injury. Why does nutrition matter so much when you are sick or injured? Do you have any experience with a doctor or nutritionist suggesting a healthy diet for injury or disease? Can you find other research on this topic?  

Your assignment is due Wednesday, February 7, 2018, by 11:59 pm.


  1. Proper nutrition is vital not only to live a healthy lifestyle, but to recover from a wound or injury. Calorie intake is important because you want to get the proper amount of calories to repair tissues and prevent inflammation. Proteins are also vital for tissue repair as well as tissue growth. An adequate amount of nutrients is also important when recovering from a wound or injury because the fluids are used to transport nutrients to the injury, as well as transporting wastes away from the injury. Amino acids have also been found to help with injury recovery. Amino acids can be found in meats and dairy products. Vitamins are also proven to help recover from an injury through decreasing inflammation, tissue formation, and preventing scarring. There is an ongoing list on links to nutrition and the bodies intake of nutrients. Overall, this article has proven that receiving the proper nutrients while being injured or wounded only helps speed up the recovery process. I personally have never been injured in a sport. I always believed that was because I ate much healthier than many people on my team who did become injured. I did become very ill one season and my coach recommended Emergen-C which is a great Vitamin C booster. After drinking it all week during and after my illness, I ran my best race of that season after my body was replenished.

  2. Eating healthy and having good nutritional lifestyle is often an overlooked aspect of recovery for athletes. This article explains the key to maintaining muscle mass during the rehabilitation process by following and tracking the macro and micros during the acute phase of injury which requires more rest and immobilization so calorie intake is key.Based on the severity of the injury, age of athlete and body composition comes up with the right number of calories to intake during the rehab process which ensures faster recovery time to repair tissues and prevent inflammation. To avoid upset stomach and weight loss smaller portioned meals every 3 to 4 hours can keep the metabolic rate up during this process of recovery.Carbs and fatty foods aren't recommended to assist the healing process but proteins in a diet allows for collagen synthesis to grow capillaries and also help with retaining muscle mass. The average intake for protein daily per injury is 1.5-3 grams daily. Amino acids are the biggest micro-nutrients studied that has a positive effect on healing injuries , which can be dairy, meat, eggs, fish, and chicken. Vitamin A helps in wound healing and immune system strengthening to fight infection, and bone tissue development. Zinc is another key micro in the demand immediately after an injury which helps maintain structural dermal tissues. Zinc is high in food such as seafood, meat, and dried beans. Substances to avoid that can hinder recovery are alcohol and caffeine. I totally agree with this article and have personally experienced drastic health benefits from eating properly and healthy all the time. I gave up drinking pop with caffeine about 2 years ago and started to not eat any unnecessary snack/ junk food while increasing my calorie and meal intake to 5 meals a day of clean foods, chicken, rice and saw and immediate change in overall energy and my body hasn't sustained any serious injuries in sports since. My physician did recommend along with coaches to stay hydrated and replenish your electrolytes lost on hot summer days during football practice with Gatorade and Pedialyte and this helps to stay hydrated and maintain proper sodium levels lost during sweat and extreme exertion of the body.

  3. I think that nutrition is one of the most important things you can do not just for your recovery from injury or illness but just for overall wellness as well. Proper nutrition can contribute to the increase of muscles, lower body fat percentage and help out with recovering injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, cut, abrasions, etc. However, if you are not eating enough and you suffer from malnutrition, it can distract you from doing everyday tasks by weakening you physically, lowing your immune system and make it more likely to not have the energy to fight off illnesses and it can degregate your body physically as well. Foods contain certain nutrients and ingredients that are vital to the body when recovering or growing. These nutrients are broken up into two main groups: macronutrients and micronutrients. These two are typically in the same food at the same time however they do very different things. The macronutrients consist of calories, protein, carbs and fats, and fluids. The calories are the unit of energy that is used in foods to determine how much the body can use. Protein is important for injuries because it is one of the key factors in the growth of new capillaries and helps to close up wounds. Carbs and fats is not as important but is the main source of energy that can be easily depleted for the body to use. Lastly, fluids are very important because the majority of the body is fluids therefore, it is vital in the recovery of these injuries. The micronutrients are vast in a large variety ranging from amino acids, to fatty acids, to several types of vitamins and minerals. These are essential for the recovery of tissues in the healing process and is very important for overall health. When I was in Jr High, I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter disease and the doctor instructed me that because it was due to the inflammatory response of the patellar tendon, that it would be in great interest to drink as much water to help in the recovery process of this.

  4. Having a healthy nutritional diet is a good thing to have especially for athletes. An athlete having a complete a nutritional diet helps their performance and help avoids injury. Not only does it help prevent injury, it can help an athlete to maintain muscle during an injury while they are out in recovery. Having a well balanced of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fluids will help ensure that an athlete stays in shape while in recovery and attending rehabilitation. Micronutrients are also a very important aspect for an athletes daily diet and important to keep up on during a recovery from an injury. These micronutrients consist of amino acids, arginine, branched chain amino acids, glutamine, creatine, calcium, vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. Each micronutrient plays an important rule like vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for adequate calcium intake, regulation of calcium and phosphorus levels, and helps promotes bone health. Along with having important components of a healthy nutritional diet to help during an injury recovery, there are some foods and fluids that should be avoided. Some of those thing are alcohol, simple carbohydrates, and caffeine. Each of those play a role of having negative effects in the human body.


  5. Nutrition plays an important role in not just everyday health, but also in wound and injury recovery processes. Supplying your body with a diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals and proper calorie, protein and carbohydrate ratios is an effective way to promote quicker healing and improved athletic performance. For example, studies have shown that many people lack key micronutrients that provide essential advantages in wound repair. Supplementation of such micronutrients, including arginine results in higher protein accumulations and immune activity. Another important suggestion is an increased intake of Zinc rich foods such as seafood, meat, seed and cooked and/or dried beans. Zinc is an important ingredient for the development of structurally sound dermal tissue. Studies have also suggesting the avoidance of alcohol, simple carbohydrates and caffeine, all of which can impede the overall healing and recovery process. In my personal experience I have not faced a serious injury. I have been an athlete all of my life and i attribute my lack of injury to the high value i have always placed proper nutrition, hydration and vitamin supplementation.

  6. Nutrition is very beneficial to an athlete who is going through an injury and trying to keep their physique around the same before their injury. The proper intake of macro- and micronutrients are key to keeping the body in good physical shape while also helping heal the body. When intaking calories it will vary with each individual person, but adequate energy intake is very important to allow tissue repair and prevent inflammation. Protein is a main aspect when dealing with wound closure epithelialization, which is when the epithelial cells create new tissue to form a barrier between the wound and open air. Carbs and fats have never shown necessary to change intake change throughout an injury. Fluids are essential to reduce sweating and to help carry nutrients to an open wound for quicker healing. Many vitamins and minerals are essential to keep your diet balanced and to help tissues that are undergoing healing after surgeries. So essentially nutrition matters so much to an injured athlete because they right diet and intake can allow you to heal better and keep you in the best shape possible while recovering. I found several other sites like Cleveland Clinic and NCBI which also have done studies which agree that a well-balanced nutrition can allow better wound healing and tissues recovering quicker.

    1. Mac, Please feel free to add the links to other articles you find for your responses.

  7. Nutrition is very important when dealing with wound care and healing an injury. As said in the article, there is no way to prevent an injury and there are many precautions to take when an injury has occurred. However nutrition is something that people do not take into consideration when an injury has happened. The main reason to have good nutrition when there is immobilization is to insure that there is no muscle mass lost. Once a person is mobile again, it is important to have good nutrition to make sure that there is a gain in strength. The article shares a countless list of all of the micronutrients and macronutrients that each serve a roll in proper healing of an injury or illness. It also states thing to stay away from when trying to recover from an injury or illness. These facts make it so important to have good nutrition while recovering. In my personal opinion, all of this information makes sense, but I never did think about it until reading this article. I have never had an experience in my life where a doctor has told me to have a better nutritional diet in order to heal faster and properly. However, looking back, I believe that if I would have had better food choices then I may have recovered in a much better way than I did. There are also multiple other sources than this article to show that better nutrition is essential when healing an injury or illness. The main items that I have seen that are also in this article are having enough calcium and iron intake in foods, not supplements. All in all, it is important to have good nutrition when coming back from an injury or illness.

  8. When the body is injured or your immune system is compromised you need all of the extra help you can get. One of the best ways to help aid your body in it's healing process is by altering your diet. Your body needs several substances, vitamins, compounds, etc. to function on a daily basis. When you have some sort of ailment, your body uses up those resources in order to heal itself. This is why it's important to add or omit certain foods/supplements according to your diet. Changing your diet while injured can also help to preserve your current state of physical fitness. One of the worst parts of injury for an athlete is the inability to play and the loss of fitness. You will of course loose some degree of fitness but making some slight adjustments to your diet is worth the "sacrifice". I myself have had to alter my diet for athletic reasons. After some cardiac complications and rigorous testing, my cardiologist suggested that I increase my sodium intake to help combat dehydration. Dehydration would put me at risk for further complications. As a distance runner I was intaking enough water, but my body wouldn't retain as much of it as it should. The increased levels of sodium forced my body to retain more water and lower my risk of dehydration while also lowering my risk of cardiac issues.

  9. My thought on nutrition would have to be nutrition is a big part on how you perform as a person and an athlete. Especially when you are a vegetarian/vegan, like myself you don’t have some of the main protein supplements that all people have so you have to be very carful on what you eat and make sure you get enough protein in your diet so you can perform at your best. If you do not regulate your nutrition as an athlete you can get injured easier than others and it will take you 2-3 times longer to get healthy again because your body doesn’t have the nutrients it needs to fix the problems you are having. I have personally had trouble recovering from an injury because of my lack of observation of my diet and it caused my injury to take longer to heal. I Had help from my athletic trainer to get my intake of different proteins back to the minimum amount and now I make sure I eat enough protein each meal I eat. So in conclusion, you need to manage your nutrition and make sure you are getting enough fats, proteins, carbs, etc. in your diet so you are healthy and if you don’t know how to deal with that the you need to get in contact with you doctor or athletic trainer.

  10. Injuries are hard for everyone, it takes you out of the sport you love and many other things, so why don't people do everything they can to get healed as fast as possible. Nutrition plays an important part in getting healed as quickly as possible. Your body is what heals you when there has been an injury so if you do not take care of you body and give it the nutrients that it needs to do the repairing then it will take a long time for you to heal. When I had a stress fracture in my tibia I went to the doctor to get evaluated. The first things that they evaluated was the different ways I walked and ran to see what lead to the injury and then they asked me about my diet. They wanted to know whether I was getting the calcium and vitamins I needed to keep my body healthy. That is when I found out that a lot of why I was injured was from my diet and the only way to get healthy and stay healthy was change my diet so that I received the nutrients that I needed. From my own personal experience I was able to figure out the importance that nutrition plays in keeping our bodies healthy and helping us through injuries. This article broke down all the different nutrients that were important to receive and why each was so important. It also listed things that you should avoid. No one wants to go through all that work of making their diet better so that they can heal only to throw it all down the drain by consuming something that will cancel all that work out. It is not only important to make sure you are getting the right amount of good nutrients, but that you are also avoiding the bad ones.

  11. Nutrition plays a vital role in living an everyday healthy life, but it plays an even bigger role in the healing process of an injury. While undergoing the healing process the nutrients from the food you eat are broken down into the components your body needs to heal. Like when you have a muscle tear or a large cut the protein broken down from your food is what is used to mend and heal that would back together. Or when you break a bone, the calcium and vitamins and minerals are what get used to heal the break or fracture. Even when you’re sick and not physically injured the food you eat goes into the healing process as well, like when you’re running a fever and vomiting making sure you’re drinking plenty of water and replacing all that fluid loss is vital to the healing process. In my experience I used to get colds and sinus infections all the time, so my doctor recommended eating more foods with higher vitamin values like fruits and vegetables to help my immune system fight off colds and minor sickness on a regular basis as well as drinking more water to help my body filter out the bacteria and toxins more efficiently and in the long run it helped. So, from my experience eating healthy is a large component to the body’s healing process.

  12. Nutrition is very important in the recovery of an injury, illness, or just for overall health. Having nutritious meals and eating healthy is important when dealing with a sickness because the healthier you eat and more hydrated you are before, during, and after you’re sick you will have a faster recovery time, come out of this sickness healthier, and have a stronger immune system. When handling an injury its important to eat healthy because you aren’t using as much energy as you normally are while being active so you can’t eat like you normally do, by eating healthier you’ll improve your body’s natural ability to heal and repair muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other afflictions. I personally do not have any experience with a diet change or with a nutritionist to aid in preventing sickness or injury. Good nutrition helps prevent injuries by keeping your bones, muscles, and tendons strong.

  13. After an injury, it is very important to have good nutrition for a total and speedy recovery. Nutrition intake after an injury will be different for each athlete. Energy intake is very important after an injury to prevent extreme inflammation and to allow tissue repair. However, depending on if the athlete is unable to move or be inactive, energy intake should not be too excessive to the point of weight change. Athletes should avoid negative energy balance, so they do not use protein as energy. There is no exact amount of protein an athlete should consume after an injury, but it is recommended that they take in 1.5 to 3 g protein/kg/day to prevent muscle loss in times of negative energy balance. Protein is involved with collagen synthesis, growth of new capillaries, and epithelialization of wound closure. Athletes should increase their fluid intake to compensate for profuse sweating, fever, diarrhea, draining wounds, and transportation of nutrients and wastes away from the wound. Micronutrients are important for tissues undergoing healing. Nutrition is so important after an injury because it can cause immobility and the proper foods can help us heal the right way. If an athlete is inactive, he or she will need to consume the proper nutrients in the right amount to stay healthy, heal, and avoid weight gain. When I tore my ACL, I was told to watch my calorie intake because of my immobility, and I was also told to intake good proteins. I also had to eat foods that would not make me throw up my medicine, so finding the right foods to help my tissue repair and not make me throw up was a challenge. Injury and nutrition o hand in hand, so it’s important to see the correlation.

  14. Proper nutrition is important in life not only when injured, but also in your everyday lifestyle. Watching your nutrition everyday is crucial so that when you do get injured you are already a healthy and stronger person than someone who doesn't live a healthy lifestyle. Once injured however, nutrition becomes very important in your recovery process. Nutrition is often overlooked when injured. At the beginning of an injury, normally during the rest period, good nutrition is needed to prevent muscle mass loss while also allowing your injury to heal. During the rehabilitation period of an injury, certain nutrition goals are promoted to gain strength and increase muscle size. Calorie and protein intake is very important while injured to help ensure proper tissue repair and decrease inflammation. Not enough protein in your diet during an injury can cause inflammation and inhibit your wound to heal. Many micronutrients are important to include in your diet to help with muscle strengthening, decrease inflammation and help to rebuild the damaged tissue and muscles. Intake of fluids need to be prioritized during an injury to help transport nutrients to your wound and take any wastes away from it. It is encouraged to delete caffeine, alcohol and excessive sweets and candies from your everyday life, but essential to delete them when you are injured to ensure proper recovery. Overall, proper nutrition is very important if you want to live a healthy life, but necessary when you are injured to properly heal your body.

  15. Injuries and illnesses are things that can’t always be avoided, when an injury does occur there are many ways to help your body recover. When dealing with any meal plan it is important to take into account the athlete’s prior nutritional status. When he or she becomes injured, a nutritionist needs to take into consideration the type of injury, what type of tissue is healing, the phase of the injury, and ways to prevent muscle loss. There are some important vitamins and minerals to keep in mind when going through the healing process, Calcium and vitamin D help with bone mineralization, found in foods like dairy products, spinach, and fatty fish. Studies have also shown that amino acids are beneficial in the affects of the healing process, found in foods like chicken, fish, and eggs. The article also informs us about foods to avoid like, alcohol, simple carbs, and caffeine, because certain products containing these substances can have a negative effect on your body while trying to recover. When your body is running off foods that are not providing the right nutrition, then not only will your athletic performance struggle, but your overall lifestyle will struggle. When you’re not giving your body the proper foods you can become fatigued and unfocused. While I have no personal experience with a nutritionist, when I become sick I’m always trying to make sure I’m getting lots of rest, and drinking lots of fluids, and am making sure I’m taking proper care of myself.

  16. I agree when the article says you never know when your actually going to have an injury but it helps to have a good nutritional diet to try to avoid an injury. Eating well and staying healthy could be the decision of getting injured or not. Eating well can your bones stronger and your muscles more protective and well built. Especially if you put a lot of strain on your bones and muscles you need a lot of protein and vitamins for your muscles and bones to be able to put up with that wear and tear. I’ve had a lot injuries and they usually say that I’m really healthy but sometimes it’s just the type of injury that even if you have a great diet that you will still get injured. There is definitely a chance of an injury even if you have a well placed diet but having a good diet puts you in a place where it’s more unlikely to get hurt. There is always diffenet meal plans for people if they are trying to get bigger or smaller and those that just wanna be healthy. Meal plans are a very good thing to use if you are trying to stay healthy because you know that it’s good to keep you healthy. Overall nutrition could be a deal breaker if you get injured a lot of not staying healthy is a big key in life to stay out of injuries.

  17. Nutrition is often over looked by athletes when it comes to training, but when an injury happens nutrition is a vital piece to recovery. It is important to have good nutrition before injury, but it is almost more important to have good nutrition on the recovery process. In this article it talks about the importance of macro- and micronutrients. The macros are your calories, proteins, carbs, and fluids. The micros are vitamins and minerals. It is crucial that you intake enough of these nutrients. One of the biggest problems in recovery is loss of muscle in the injured area. It is important to have a good variety of macro and micronutrients. Some of the foods to avoid are alcohol, simple carbohydrates, and caffeine. Being injured is always hard on your body both physically and mentally, but with the proper diet you can reduce the severity of an injury and come back faster.

  18. Nutrition is important step in recovering from an injury or illness that an athlete goes through. The article said that often the athletes overlook the nutritional part because they think they only have to ice, elevate and rehab. One thing that athletes will lose after surgery is muscle mass which muscle happens to play a vital role when an athlete comes back. A lot of people don't realize that having those nutritional meals will allow that muscle mass to stay stable before they begin rehab. After surgery it is important to keep the athlete's calories up, if not their body will start using the proteins stored which isn't suppose to be utilized as energy. Proteins however should be used as repairing the damage tissue in the athletes body. Carbohydrates and fats are there to keep the athletes energy level up and stable. Fluids can help in many different ways after a surgery but based off of what the article said, "development of a wound are needed for transport of nutritions to and away from the wound" (Sitzler, B). Those examples were the important macronutrients needed for the body whereas there are many micronutrients in order to help the recovery of an athlete heal faster. Some examples of micronutrients include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and amino acids plus many more. When I tore my ACL, MCL and my meniscus my doctor gave me a list of foods that would help me before surgery and a list of food after my surgery. One thing that he really enforced was drink water and always have breakfast in the morning because these two things allow your body system to gain energy in morning which fuels your body to be active.

  19. Proper nutrition is very important to the process of healing or recovering from an injury or illness. Some athletes often do not pay close attention to their nutrition when it comes to recovering. They believe that they only have to ice and do some rehab. This is a big problem because without the proper nutrition, you can lose a lot of muscle and mass which may hurt the injury even more. It is also important to get the required amount of micro and macro nutrients to help the recovery process. If you are missing out on certain nutrients, that could slow down and even further the damage. It is also important to have proper nutrition to avoid injuries. For example, if you are missing out on the proper amount of required calcium, you could be more prone to bone breaks. If you have proper nutrition before injuries occur you are more likely to avoid them and more likely to have a speedy recovery. There are also foods you need to avoid to help prevent injury and expedite recovery such as simple carbs and alcohol. Those can put you at risk for future injuries and slow down the healing process. I've had no experiences working with a nutritionist, but I always try to maintain a proper nutrition plan to avoid getting illnesses or injuries.

  20. Proper nutrition is a vital thing to have especially when trying to recover from injury or illness, but also just in everyday life. It is important to know your calorie intake to help repair tissue, muscle, and prevent inflammation in an injury. Another very important vital for athletes is hydration. If an athletes body is not properly hydrated then the body becomes week and injury is easier to occur. It is important the body gets enough protein, amino acids, and vitals. Proper nutrition helps the body increase muscle, lower body fat, boost immune systems and help with recovering injuries. One thing that is important post surgery is to make sure to get a healthy diet and work on gaining muscle mass back. There is many other sites and places to get information on nutrition and the bodies intake of nutrients. Overall, this article goes to show how important it is to receive the proper nutrients while being injured or have an illness. Proper nutrient intake only helps an athletes recovery speed increase. I personally have had three knee surgeries and that really took a toll on my body. I had to change my entire diet and make sure I was taking in enough fluids. Most athletes completely overlook nutrition. I think it is important for coaches to sit down with all of there athletes and explain to them how important it is to maintain a healthy diet and healthy intake on nutrients. Overall, I think this article does a really good job on proving how nutrition is important when it comes to athletes recovering from injury and illness.

  21. Maintaining good nutrition is essential to overall health. This includes the proper calorie intake, the right about of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and the right combination of vitamins and minerals. One will be less likely to become injured with the proper balance along with some sort of physical fitness. Athletic injuries are frequently a signal of an imbalance. When actually healing a wound or injury, proper nutrition is very important. It is necessary to maintain consumption of enough calories and nutrients to help the process. Intake depends on the prior nutritional status of the athlete, as well as severity of the injury and the type of tissue that is healing. Increased protein intake is essential to collagen synthesis, growth of new capillaries and formation of new skin cells for wound closure. Drinking more fluids helps with draining wounds and post-operative dehydration. It is also important to avoid substances such as alcohol, simple carbs, and caffeine as they can slow the healing process and cause excess inflammation. Overeating is another issue found when an athlete is injured. This can cause more issues including excessive weight gain. Proper nutrition won't magically heal injuries, but it sure will assist in the overall process.

  22. Nutrition is important when it comes to wound care and healing injuries because being able to have all the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to repair the body is helpful. I was always told to take my vitamins when I was growing up and of course for a while I wouldn't listen, because who really ever listens to their parents when you know you are invincible. But I noticed now as I have gotten wiser and less hard headed that I seem to be sick less and feel better all-around when I take them. I have never really had a doctor or nutritionist talk to me about eating right but I have noticed that when I drink or eat a lot of sweets and caffeine I react to it in a negative way so due to this I have tried my best to cut out some of these things from my diet over the years. I did have a big injury my junior year of high school where I partially tore my ACL. I believe that the way that my mom was health conscious about my diet for the better did help me to gain more good weight as I recovered. Which ultimately helps when you are trying to prevent a similar injury happening again. When I say health conscious I just mean that she made fish twice a week had lots of spinach and foods filled with iron, proteins, fiber, ext. Even only having juice milk and water to drink at home. All of these I think helped to keep me healthy, recovery in a positive way, and be able to put on good weight. After my "surgery" I put on a good 10 -15 pounds through strength training and rehab which I have benefited from so far in college. I think with my experience with my nutrition and with some of my research on benefits of eating healthy I really do believe that there should be more focus on eating right for athletes in college with all of the sports injuries that occur so often. I think that it will benefit so many people. Even though I think that that is just one of a few components that would help sports related injuries.

  23. nutrition is important always but it is very important when you are injured because your body is trying to gather everything it can to heal. your body needs all the vitamins and nutrients to function properly, eating a well balanced meal is a main source to a good diet and good body. being injured you have to think bigger and better to help yourself get better faster and have a full recovery.

    1. Tatiana, please make sure to follow the directions when writing these blog posts. There is a 200 word requirement and I do take off for spelling and grammar.

  24. Nutrition is important to an injury because it helps with the recovery time although it very overlooked with treatment directed to injury being the focus. It matters because when you are sick and injured it helps prevent loss of muscle mass and allows the tissue to heal. Getting the right amount of protein will help with wound remodeling and with tissue repair so it’s essential to get the right amount of nutrients. Also, it will give you the energy you need and a good amount of that will allow tissue to repair and prevent exacerbation of inflammation. And maintaining a balanced diet is good for your overall health. I don’t have any experience with a doctor or nutritionist suggesting a healthy diet for any of my injuries. Yes, there is plenty of research that can be found out about nutrition relating to health and getting better.

  25. Eating healthy and getting the right nutrition is very important in everyday life especially for athletes, but when you throw an injury in there with it, it becomes that much more important to get the right nutrition. The reason it is so important is that it helps the recovery during rehabilitation. It matters so much when you are sick or injured because it can help the body heal faster if you are eating the right things. Certain micronutrients are found to help the healing process, this includes amino acids, arginine which has been found to enhance wound repair and immune function, branched chain amino acids which enhance recovery after surgery, creatine which can help with muscle loss after surgery, Omega 3 fatty acids which help with muscle loss by aiding muscle protein synthesis, Vitamins A, C, and E, A helps with inflammation, C helps with collagen synthesis, E acts as an antioxidant, and Lastly Zinc is vital to maintain the structural integrity of the dermal tissue. Also you have to keep up with your calorie, protein, good fats and carbohydrates, and fluids up so that your body isn't getting starved of what it needs. Some things to avoid are caffeine because it could inhibit a wound from healing, Alcohol because it impairs muscle protein synthesis and simple carbohydrates. I personally have never had a diet suggested to me, even when I had my ACL surgery, the closest I have to that is my Chiropractor suggesting I take Fish Oil to help with my back problems, which is Omega 3 fatty acids.

  26. Nutrition is one of the most important roles in not only everyday life but also in the injury recovery process. There is no way to prevent an injury and there are many precautions to take when an injury has occured. One of the main reasons to have good nutrition is to insure that there is no muscle mass lost. During the healing process the nutrients from the food you eat are broken down into the components your body needs to heal. These nutrients are broken up into two main groups: macronutrients and micronutrients. The macronutrients consist of calories, protein, carbs and fats, and fluids. The micronutrients are amino acids, fatty acids, and several types of vitamins and minerals. Each micronutrients plays a large role. Many vitamins and minerals are essential to keep your diet balanced and to help tissues that are undergoing healing after surgeries. I personally do not have a suggestion from a doctor or a nutritionist saying that I need to start a healthy diet for an injury or disease. But, I do have family members that have experienced this. It is not only important to eat the healthy nutrients, but it is also important you avoid the bad ones.

  27. When healing, nutrition plays a very vital role in the process. Filling your body with good nutrients and vitamins can help your body function, heal and work more efficiently. Having a balanced meal of calories, macronutrients and micronutrients is very important to the process. Also avoiding some foods like alcohol and caffeine can help your body perform at its best. For athletes it is very important to have a good meal, so your body can work efficiently. When an athlete gets injured, they want to heal soon to get back out there, to heal the best way, your body needs to be healthy. There is still research going on about nutrition and healing, but in my opinion it seems pretty obvious that the two go hand in hand.

  28. The sad thing about sports is that injuries are possible at any moment, regardless of the level that you play. One of the biggest problems that many athletes over look, that is a big key to helping with recovery is nutrition. Calorie intake can be a big impact when recovering from an injury and going into rehabilitation, just as protein is involved in many aspects of tissue repair when following after an injury. Many micronutrients are lacked from athletes and they should take the time to learn from what nutrients may be important to tissues undergoing healing. When it comes to healing athletes also need to take the time to learn what foods to avoid when needing to be healthy with or without injury. Alcohol impairs muscle protein synthesis, increases muscle loss during immobilization, and may reduce the inflammatory response. Simple carbohydrates like excessive sweets and candies should be avoided and caffeine hinders keratinocyte proliferation and migration. In this article we learn that there is so much that athletes need to learn to keep strong healthy bodies.
