Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Welcome to the ATR 171: Acute Care of Injury and Illness Blog! This blog is designed to expose you to different issues and current events in health science and athletic training. I hope this learning tool not only allows you realize and develop your own thoughts on different issues but to see your classmates opinions and engage with them in further discussion.

Content for each blog assignment will be posted one week before responses are due, giving you ample time to review the material and formulate a well thought out response. I do not want you to simply summarize the content but rather give me your personal insight on the issue, or explain to me how this knowledge will be helpful to you. I will be looking for critical thinking and quality academic work. These assignments should be engaging and hopefully spark interest in the health science and athletic training fields.

Please be respectful of other people's opinions and views that are posted on this blog as our intent is to engage in learning, not to bash someone's work. Have fun and I hope this blog allows you to gain additional insights outside of the classroom.

If you have any questions about Blogger or the assignments, you can post on this thread or send me an email at lbellive@heidelberg.edu. 

Lauren Belliveau